Dogecoin Price is an Android app that allows you to see the current Dogecoin price in EURO, USD and BTC. With the meme design, the Dogecoin Price app looks like the currency.
- v0.2.3
- bugfixes
- remove error message if API is not reachable
- replace jcenter with mavencentral
- replace update.json URL to github repo
- change update.json
- change some links
- remove promo banner
- bugfixes
- v0.2.2
- Bug fixes: Offline mode, Updater
- Update the App Icon
- v0.2.1
- Critical bug fixed: if the input number was to large, the app has crashed
- Update feature added. Now the app check for updates.
- v0.2
- Darkmode fixed
- Binance Button fixed
- Offlinemode fixed
- Disabled APP Rotation.
- add custom amount of Dogecoin feature
- v0.1
- UI & Basic funcionality
Dogecoin Price is released under the terms of the MIT license. See
- Dogecoin for the best Coin I ever seen.
- Binance for current price data.
- FontAwesome for the icons. License
- Volley Library for the HTTP Libary. License