name = "kafka-management"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dependencies = [
venv = ".venv"
venvPath = "."
reportAny = "none"
reportMissingParameterType = "none"
reportUnknownArgumentType = "none"
reportUnknownParameterType = "none"
reportUnknownVariableType = "none"
reportMissingImports = "error"
reportMissingTypeStubs = false
reportAttributeAccessIssue = "none"
reportOptionalMemberAccess = "none"
reportUnusedCallResult = "none"
reportUnknownMemberType = "none"
reportOptionalSubscript = "none"
dev = [
`brew install emacs-plus --with-ctags --with-dbus --with-jansson --with-modern-icon --with-x11 --with-xwidgets --HEAD`
This will install the latest beta which in 28.0.4 as of feb 8th
You will need to run
`brew cask install xquartz`
before you install emacs-plus
To link the application to default Homebrew App location:
`ln -s /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus/Emacs.app /Applications`
Scan through
screenshot of the code Select a region and do
M-x shell-command-on-region
and run~/.cargo/bin/silicon -l el -o ~/testImage.jpg
Method explorer - speedbar-mode
emacsclient -a "" -c
`C-h` ;;Help
`C-x C-c` ;;Exit
`C-x C-f` ;;Find File
`C-x C-s` ;;Save the file
`C-h t ;;Built-in tutorial
`C-p` ;;Previous line.
`C-n` ;;Next line.
`C-b` ;;Backward one character.
`C-f` ;;Forward one character.
`M-f` ;;Forward one word.
`M-b` ;;Backward one word.
ctrl+shift+backspace ;;delete the line
C-x C-+/ C-x C--(thats' ctrl minus) ;;Change font size
M-x M-p
to cycle through previous commands in M-x
Keys Description
`C-a` Move to beginning of line.
`M-m` Move to first non-whitespace character on the line.
`C-e` Move to end of line.
`C-f` Move forward one character.
`C-b` Move backward one character.
`M-f` Move forward one word (I use this a lot).
`M-b` Move backward one word (I use this a lot, too).
`C-s` Regex search for text in current buffer and move to it. Press C-s again to move to next match.
`C-r` Same as C-s, but search in reverse.
`M-<` Move to beginning of buffer.
`M->` Move to end of buffer.
`M-g g` Go to line.
Keys Description
`C-w` Kill region.
`M-w` Copy region to kill ring.
`C-y` Yank.
`M-y` Cycle through kill ring after yanking.
`M-d` Kill word.
`C-k` Kill line.
Keys Description
Tab Indent line.
`C-j` New line and indent, equivalent to enter followed by tab.
`M-/` Hippie expand; cycles through possible expansions of the text before point.
`M-\` Delete all spaces and tabs around point. (I use this one a lot.)
Keys Description
`C-x o` Switch cursor to another window. Try this now to switch between your Clojure file and the REPL.
`C-x 1` Delete all other windows, leaving only the current window in the frame. This doesn’t close your buffers, and it won’t cause you to lose any work.
`C-x 2` Split frame above and below.
`C-x 3` Split frame side by side.
`C-x 0` Delete current window.
`C-n` Next line
`C-p` Previous line
`C-f` Move cursor forward one character
`C-b` Move cursor backward one character
`M-f` Forward one word
`M-b` Backward one word
`C-a` Move to beginning of line
`C-e` Move to end of line
`M-a` Move back to beginning of the sentence
`M-e` Move back to end of the sentence
`M-<` Go to the beginning of the file
`M->` Go to the end of the file
`M-g` g N Go to line N
To perform this function | Use these keys |
Moving to the next line | C-n (n for Next) |
Moving to the previous line | C-p (p for Previous) |
Moving one character forward | C-f (f for Forward) |
Moving one character backward | C-b (b for Backward) |
Moving one word forward | M-f (f for Forward) |
Moving one word backward | M-b (b for Backward) |
Moving to the start of a line | C-a |
Moving to the end of a line | C-e (e for End) |
Moving to the start of a sentence | M-a |
Moving to the end of a sentence | M-e (e for End) |
Moving one page down | C-v (or PgDn) |
Moving one page up | M-v (or PgUp) |
Moving to the beginning of the file | M-< (Alt + Shift + "<") |
Moving to the end of the file | M-> (Alt + Shift + ">") |
`C-s` Start a forward search.
`C-r` Start a reverse search.
`C-d` Delete a character
`M-d` Delete a word
`C-k` Kill (cut) the rest of the current line of text
`C-y` Yank (or paste) from the previously killed text
`C-x u` Undo.
`C-_` Undo.
`C-/` Undo.
Redo. [ctrl+shift+/]
`C-x C-s` Save the file
`C-x C-c` Exit
C-h Help C-h t Tutorial C-h k {key} Describe {key}
M-% {old} {new} ! Substitute {new} for {old} in the entire document
C-u {num} {command} Repeat {command} {num} times
M-x means “press and release the Escape key and then press the x key. “
C-x means “press and hold the Control key and then press and release the x key.”
C-<char> Ctrl while pressing <char>.
M-<char> "Meta" key (alt key) while pressing <char>.
M-<char> Esc, then type <char>
M-x revert-buffer
key what it does
`C-x 2` split-window-below (vertically)
`C-x 3` split-window-right (horizontally)
`C-x 0` delete-window (this one)
`C-x 1` delete-other-windows
`C-x o` other-window (moves foxus to the next window
C-c '
This will write Code in a new window
With just a few keystrokes, Org’s easy templates inserts empty pairs of structural elements, such as #+BEGIN_SRC and #+END_SRC. Easy templates use an expansion mechanism, which is native to Org, in a process similar to yasnippet and other Emacs template expansion packages.
< s TAB expands to a ‘src’ code block.
< l TAB expands to:
Org comes with these pre-defined easy templates:
i #+INDEX: line
I #+INCLUDE: line
More templates can added by customizing the variable org-structure-template-alist, whose docstring has additional details.
Command Key
`kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter` `F3` or `C-x (`
`kmacro-end-and-call-macro` `F4` or `C-x )`
`kmocro-call-marco` `C-x e`
`C-<SPC>` Set the mark at point, and activate it (set-mark-command).
`C-@` The same.
Emacs has commands for converting either a single word or any arbitrary range of text to upper case or to lower case.
`M-l` Convert following word to lower case (downcase-word).
`M-u` Convert following word to upper case (upcase-word).
`M-c` Capitalize the following word (capitalize-word).
`C-x C-l` Convert region to lower case (downcase-region).
`C-x C-u` Convert region to upper case (upcase-region).
mark all the marked words