Nibiru Node Installation Instructions
2 Cpu, 4 Ram, 80Gb ssd, Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install git build-essential ufw curl jq snapd -y
wget -q -O && chmod +x && sudo /bin/bash
source $HOME/.bash_profile
wget -O $HOME/.nibid/config/addrbook.json
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nibid
sudo systemctl restart nibid
Synchronization can be accelerated, see section "Speed Up Sync"
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.catching_up
Be sure to save the wallet data and do not forget about the seed phrase below, it will come in handy to restore the wallet.
nibid keys add wallet
7. In the discord from the faucet channel, we request coins by resetting the wallet address with the $request command
We replace "your wallet address" in the command with the wallet address received when creating the wallet.
nibid q bank balances "your wallet address"
Copy everything at once and paste it into the terminal.
nibid tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000unibi \
--pubkey=$(nibid tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="$NIBIRU_NODENAME" \
--chain-id=nibiru-testnet-1 \
--commission-rate="0.01" \
--commission-max-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000" \
--fees=50000unibi \
--from=wallet \
nibid keys show wallet --bech val -a
Don't forget to replace YOUR_VALOPER_ADDRESS with the address obtained in the previous step.
nibid tx staking delegate YOUR_VALOPER_ADDRESS 10000000unibi --from wallet --chain-id nibiru-testnet-1 --fees 5000unibi
12. The success of the delegation, the status and rating of the validator can be viewed on the website:
sudo systemctl stop nibid
cp $HOME/.nibid/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.nibid/priv_validator_state.json.backup
nibid tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.nibid --keep-addr-book
LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s $SNAP_RPC/block | jq - r .result.block.header.height); \
TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$SNAP_RPC/block?height=$BLOCK_HEIGHT" | jq - r .result.block_id.hash)
sed -i 's|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = "'$peers'"|' $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i -E "s|^(enable[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1true| ; \
s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$SNAP_RPC,$SNAP_RPC\"| ; \
s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT| ; \
s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"|" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
mv $HOME/.nibid/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.nibid/data/priv_validator_state.json
sudo systemctl restart nibid
journalctl -u nibid -f
systemctl restart nibid
curl localhost:26657/status
nibid query staking validators --limit 2000 -o json | jq -r '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED") | [.operator_address, .status, (.tokens|tonumber / pow(10; 6)), .description.moniker] | @csv' | column -t -s"," | sort -k3 -n -r
nibid query staking validators --limit 2000 -o json | jq -r '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED") | [.operator_address, .status, (.tokens|tonumber / pow(10; 6)), .description.moniker] | @csv' | column -t -s"," | sort -k3 -n -r
Requires moniker and seed phrase
nibid keys add wallet --recover
systemctl stop nibid
systemctl disable nibid
rm -rf $(which nibid) ~/.nibid ~/nibiru