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Releases: Crypto-Currency/LitecoinPlus

SSL independent release

15 Feb 07:21
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***** Version (RELEASE)

  • Split the BIGNUM management from the SSL, make it possible to compile with SSL 1.0 or 1.1
  • BUGFIX: removed the from the syntax of sendalert command
  • Added the number of minutes in which the alert need to stay alive and been broadcasted (default to 3 minutes)
  • When sending a rule, ignore the rule.nID, and just make it so that alert.nID = rule.nID (automatic numbering)
  • BUGFIX: verify message did not work with SSL 1.1, ECDA structure not initializing r and s BIGNUM
  • Added blockchain height display in Overview page
  • BUGFIX: compile with BOOST >= 1.70, get_io_service() method no more present (replaced by another)
  • USER REQUEST: make the command line option dialog resizable

Same as v5.1.0.1

15 Feb 03:39
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Same as v5.1.0.1, this one will compile on ancient g++ compilers too. Functionality and version number are the same.

PALADIN activation release

15 Feb 03:38
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********* NOTE *********
If this doesn't compile on your platform due to a rpcwallet.cpp error, please get the v5.1.0.1a instead. That one will compile on ancient g++ platforms as well.

***** Version (RELEASE)

  • Added RPC method "dustwallet", to be able to dust wallet from daemon as well given a series of parameters
  • Added RPC method "listcoins", to display the selection made by the RPC call above (useful to report eventual issues)
  • BUGFIX: subfolders under /images in theme were not managed, created 'list.v2.txt' and 'createDir::' tag to handle any subfolder, any level
  • Added a message "There's a new theme pack" when opening the "Themes" tab
  • BUGFIX: when a theme is not selected, makes no sense to attempt loading a folder... Fixed this error visible only in console.

---> ATTENTION: this version, after an initial rollout, will render anything < v5.0.0.1 OBSOLETE, meaning that only PALADIN capable version will be allowed to connect to mainnet. All Exchanges and Pools are urged to upgrade to v5.1.0.1 as soon as possible ! PALADIN will render future mandatory upgrades much less likely.

First release with PALADIN, QT5 support and tons of improvements

09 Jan 04:36
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***** Version (RELEASE)

  • Project is now fully ported to QT5
  • Remove self rescan at boot under certain conditions, not necessary anymore
  • BUGFIX: network did not sync with only two nodes, cPeerBlockCountsList declaration fix (don't add an initial zero value)
  • BUGFIX: when network resume after sleep or offline, clear the cPeerBlockCountsList internal vectors (BUG introduced by the above BUGFIX)
  • BUGFIX: icon in QT when syncing, reflect the status of the IsInitialBlockDownload() function, and not another different logic
  • Start over command: dump the chain files and start syncing from fresh with 1 click
  • Now possible to disable system notification by a setting in Options dialog (cannot suppress critical notifications, only informational and warning)
  • BUGFIX: listreceivedbyaddress RPC call, now accepts 3 parameters correctly (at least one exchange uses the call)
  • BUGFIX: on QT5, autocompleter was not automatically hidden when pressing enter to execute the RPC command
  • Added listalerts, sendrule, listrules RPC calls, to handle rule sending from any node (with the alert private key)
  • BUGFIX: revisited toolbars, button names, positioning and made space for one more page: Log
  • Adding Events tab, to display active alerts, information, warnings and critical messages in clear
  • BUGFIX: if the wallet is not encrypted, make no sense to have the "Unlock to stake" menu command enabled...
  • Display a message when dameon is attempting to connect to RPC but the wallet is still loading the blockchain
  • BUGFIX: changed all references to "bicoin-xxx" thread names into "litecoinplus-xxx" names
  • Pre-programmed a series of rules in the code for first release of PALADIN (see white paper for version
  • "getinfo" RPC method, removed errors/alerts, exposed Rule Height/Rule Sync status as a number/boolean instead
  • QT creates the LitecoinPlus.conf file if it doesn't exist
  • Automatic ID management for alerts, either for direct alerts or alert/rule packets
  • BUGFIX: do not show "info" and "warning" alerts as critical in the system dbus notification, just those who are
  • Added a suffix letter in version format for testnet, necessary when testing ('LitecoinPlus-[x]:X.X.X.X')
  • Ported back -netoffline option that was in unpublished (possibility to start the wallet offline)
  • BUGFIX: adjusted behavior of rule_sync: rules.dat no, height 0 rule_sync=false; rules.dat yes, height 1 wallet offline rule_sync=false
  • BUGFIX: PoS minting icon, different logic than the thread itself, let's all use the same logic, shall we...
  • BUGFIX: IsInitialBlockDownload behaves incorrectly when syncing from zero, exiting its status almost immediately
  • listalerts: added an optional [show_rules=false] parameters, to hide rule packets by default, unnecessary to see for non devs, but useful for eventual troubleshoot
  • MAJOR FIX: QT version wasted an immense amount of resources when sending coins from many inputs, removed an unnecessary signal when marking spent coins
  • Changed threshold of 10000 bytes to 30000 bytes in advanced coin controls (about 200 inputs can be safely manually selected)
  • Changed block amount from 50 to 80 for automatic dusting, considering the new found speed for the major fix above
  • Make universally compile version: QT4 and QT5 at the same time (on Windows, still need to use QT4 for compile reasons...)

Major update, with excellent smoothness during sync

11 Jun 08:50
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***** Version

  • Changed version to avoid testing confusion
  • Read initial database load in bulk (128M chunks), greatly speeding boot on all drives, especially old HDD

***** Version

  • Major overall improvement release
  • Changed alert broadcasting private key (only known by two persons)
  • Increased time from last block for IsInitialBlockDownload
  • Changed the way images are applied to the splash screen
  • Added 1 more decimal to external file loading screen
  • Added ARM support for daemon and QT
  • Fixed overwrite effect on splash when loading a theme
  • Rotate dynamically the splash for long stuff, like index rebuild or bootstrap import
  • Cross compile for Fedora 29 and Fedora 30
  • Fixed compatibilty with BOOST >= 1.66
  • BUGFIX: solved the "Assertion `!posix::pthread_mutex_lock(&m)' failed." on shutdown.
  • BUGFIX: solved the slow shutdown issue along with the "mutex" bug above
  • QApplication::commitData management, for automatic shutdown at LOGOUT, RESTART or SHUTDOWN
  • Removed synced checkpoint check (very heavy), as centralized checkpoints are not used in LCP network
  • BLOATFIX: removed "getheaders" code from net protocol, is not used in any way
  • BLOATFIX: removed all unused functions from CBlockLocator class
  • rpcwallet.cpp: do not use CBlockLocator to find blocks, use boost/map
  • CBlockLocator::Set: instead of the mega heavy loop, just init to last 30 blocks + genesis one
  • Removed separate boost at startup
  • Added CBlkDB class
  • Splitting blkindex.dat and txindex.dat files: one contains block index, the other transactions
  • Automatic upgrade procedure when running the first time and it does not find the separate index
  • CDiskBlockIndexV2: store hash of current block for wasting much less CPU at boot
  • Drastic improvement of syncing speed (10000 blocks/minute with SSD, same speed as bootstrap file)


06 Jan 01:47
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Merge pull request #58 from typhoonsimon/master final merge

v3.3.2.10: Merge pull request #56 from typhoonsimon/master

14 Jul 16:24
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