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Digital Marketplace content

YAML definitions of the Digital Marketplace’s procurement frameworks.

The content here is pulled in to the frontend applications to display forms, and is also used to generate the JSON schemas used by the API for validation (by running the scripts/ script).

Diagram showing how frameworks content is used by our apps

Kev Keenoy gave a talk about how it works at PyCon UK 2016. You can watch Kev's PyCon talk on YouTube.


  • Multiquestion: A multi-question is a question which contains a questions key that is a list of sub-questions. This lets us reuse the same summary tables markup so that each row represents a group of related questions (rather than just being limited to one question per row).

    For example, an address multiquestion could have the sub-questions street, town and postcode, and those fields would be displayed together on the (multi)question page and in the summary table.

Question keys

  • question full text of the question, usually including a question mark, displayed in forms and summary tables (required). This field is a TemplateField.
  • question_advice a note about the question asked, usually giving some more information about what it means and why it is being asked. This field is a TemplateField.
  • type type of the question input, used to find the related toolkit form template (required)
  • name short question name to use in summary tables instead of the full question. Also used to generate the URL slug for addressable questions. This field is a TemplateField.
  • filter_label for boolean questions, a text label to use for filtering services where the question was answered 'yes'. If not present name or question will be used instead.
  • slug can be used to manually override the slug used for this question.
  • empty_message a message to display instead of "Answer required" if question wasn't answered
  • hint hint text to display after the question, eg advice about how to best format you answer. This field is a TemplateField.
  • optional if set to true makes the question optional
  • options a list of possible values for the types that support them. Each option consists of:
    • label text displayed on the option label (required)
    • value value submitted to the server when the option is selected
    • filter_label text displayed in the buyer frontend filters list instead of label
    • filter_ignore set to true if you don't want this option to appear, when the question is used in a buyer frontend filter
    • description additional text displayed after the option label (used for lot question)
    • options for 'checkbox_tree' questions, a list of nested options, each one consisting of the same keys
    • derived_from: (this sub-key is used to describe transformations to data required when indexing services)
      • question: which question id to check answers against values
      • any_of: a list of possible answers to the derived question which will cause this option's label to be indexed under this question's id
  • validations a list of validation errors related to the field. Each validation consists of:
    • name the error message key that should match the validation error returned by the API (required)
    • message text of the message that will be displayed by the frontend app (required)
  • depends describes the service conditions that must be met for question to be displayed. Right now, only used to list the lots the question applies to. Each depend rule consists of:
    • "on" service data key name to use for comparison (e.g. "lot" for lots)
    • being a list of acceptable values for the key. If service data key value matches one of the values in the being the question is kept, otherwise the question is removed from the section for the given service
  • limits a dictionary of validation/type requirements to limit the possible question values. Available fields:
    • min_value integer, sets the minimum value for number questions (default 0)
    • max_value integer, sets the maximum value for number questions (default 100)
    • integer_only boolean, when true makes the number question accept only integer values instead of numbers
    • format sets JSON schema 'format' property for text questions (eg email, uri)
  • number_of_items sets the maximum number of items
    • for list questions, the add button becomes "Add another (N remaining)", and the default is 10
    • for checkboxes and checkbox tree questions, by default any number can be checked, but this sets a maximum number enforced by schema validation in the API
  • list_item_name [currently unused] text displayed in the "Add another ..." button and item names by the list-entry inputs
  • assuranceApproach contains the name of the set of possible assurance answers for the question. Assurance answer sets are listed in the supplier frontend.
  • questions a list of nested questions (only valid for multiquestion questions)
  • any_of groups nested questions for "anyOf" validations and helps us return a helpful validation message (only valid for multiquestion questions)
  • fields a mapping of toolkit form field key to the service data key used for multi-input field types (only valid for pricing)
  • decimal_place_restriction only allow positive numbers with 0 or 2 decimal places to mimic pounds and optional pence (only valid for pricing)
  • max_length_in_words sets the limit on question value length in words
  • smaller allows for smaller textboxes
  • unit a one-character string. The unit for smaller textboxes accepting a unit (ie, pricing or number entry textboxes)
  • unit_in_full unit name as a string
  • unit_position position of the unit character within the textbox.
    • Permitted values are after or before
  • before_summary_value lists additional values that will be added to the question values on the summary page. Can be used for mandatory options or adding additional information to the question (only supported by 'checkboxes' questions at the moment)
  • required_value for boolean questions can enforce that the correct response is provided (eg, you must answer this question "Yes")
  • dynamic_field defines the field in the filter context that will be used to generate dynamic list questions (eg when passing a brief as filter context setting dynamic_field to brief.niceToHaveRequirements will generate questions for nice-to-have requirements) (only valid for dynamic_list questions)
  • followup is a dictionary where each key is the name of the question that will be required/shown and the value for the key is a list of question answers that should display the follow up (only valid for boolean, radios and checkboxes questions)

Manifest files and section keys

Manifest files define a tree-like structure for content. A manifest is a list of sections.

Diagram showing how manifest files define structure

Each section contains:

  • name name of the section (required). This field is a TemplateField.
  • slug can be used to manually override the slug used for this section.
  • editable controls whether section allows updates for the questions, boolean value
  • edit_questions controls whether individual questions can be edited separately (only supported by multiquestion questions)
  • description text to display after the section name. This field is a TemplateField.
  • summary_page_description text to display between the summary table heading and the table body
  • step decides how sections are grouped on (brief) overview pages
  • questions a list of section questions (required)

Manually specified slugs

It is broadly a good idea to manually specify slugs where possible as doing so means that e.g. URLs that use slugs aren't subject to change if we make changes to our auto-slugification code.

Template Fields

TemplateField objects are fields which are turned into jinja Templates, rendered with a view's context, run through a markdown filter, and returned as a Markup string. These fields therefore allow:

  • markdown formatting
  • valid jinja syntax
    • (includes passing through variables)

These are the fields that are turned into TemplateFields when the YAML files are loaded:

ContentSection Question
name, description question, name, question_advice, hint

Example usage given in content-loader pull request

Note: All markdown formatting, HTML tags, or jinja passed in as part of the content of variables will be escaped.

Search mappings

A framework can provide a number of "template search mappings" in files named search_mappings/<doc_type>.json with doc_type being the name used for the object type by the search api (usually a plural by convention, e.g. services, briefs). These are templates for the generation of mappings for the Search API to pass to ElasticSearch.

The intention is that the mapping should eventually be generated entirely from the <doc_type>_search_filters manifest, but that is not yet the case. The script creates a complete search mapping from <doc_type>_search_filters based on this template.

For each field (question) that needs to be used in (e.g. facet) filtering, there must be a corresponding dmfilter_ property added to the mappings key. Note that if a question's id has been overridden (i.e. the id is no longer the same as the filename, then the overridden id should be used here. (Compare with the manifest, where in all cases the filename should be used to specify the question.)

For each field (question) that should have an aggregation available for it, there must similarly be a corresponding dmagg_ property.

For each field (question) that should be text-searchable, there must be a corresponding dmtext_ property. This also denotes which fields will be returned by the search API in a search result.

Care should be taken to perform the appropriate amount of normalization or analysis as desired for each variant of a field.

As things currently are, at indexing time, a question value will be "broadcast" to all prefixed ES fields with a matching "field name" as that question's id. The mapping's "field name" taken to be the substring following the underscore. This allows arbitrary prefixed copies of fields to be added for various auxiliary uses that might be needed (e.g. sorting).

The problem of course with this scheme is we end up with redundant copies of a field - we can't reuse the same copy for both filtering and sorting if we wanted to. So in the future we'd hope to be moving towards a prefixless scheme which allowed arbitrary sets of, possibly overlapping, "uses" to be assigned to field variants. This sounds a bit like what ES multi-fields are for, but unfortunately those don't turn out to be quite flexible enough for our needs.


A local checkout of the frameworks repo can be shared with locally-running services (i.e. frontend applications). There are two ways of doing this:

  1. From this repo, run npm link; from each app, run npm link digitalmarketplace-frameworks. You can then run npm run frontend-build:watch to automatically rebuild the framework content whenever a framework YML file changes. Restart the app in dmrunner to pick up changes.
  2. From each app, run npm install ../digitalmarketplace-frameworks. Then rebuild the app.

Don't forget that you may also need to generate schemas into the API's json_schema directory using the scripts/ script in this repo, or similarly update the Search API using the scripts/ script.

Running the tests

The tests check that the YAML files are valid and that they match a schema.

Install dependencies

make bootstrap
invoke requirements-dev

Run the tests

invoke test


Releases of this project follow semantic versioning, ie

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

To make a new version:

  • run npm version (major | minor | patch) to update the version number;
  • (note that npm has been configured not to create a new tag when you run this command - see .npmrc)
  • if you are making a major change, also update the change log;
  • commit package.json and if appropriate - for a small PR, this could be in the same commit as other changes you are making; for a larger PR you might want a separate commit with a message that summarises the entire PR.

When the pull request is merged a number of GitHub Actions will be run to tag and release the new version and publish the package to NPM.


Unless stated otherwise, the codebase is released under the MIT License. This covers both the codebase and any sample code in the documentation.

The documentation is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.