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save ct api errors as errored payment records. if request to ct api .…
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…create fails, post payment form to payment error endpoint, which saves a new payment to the campaign with status='error' and accompanying information.

add jquery function to serialize form object instead of field-by-field assignment

move serializeObject() coffeescript definition to

require `params` parameter for basic_payment_info instead of relying on external definition of params

delete sensitive attributes specifically from form data before posting errored payment

keep track of ct_request_ids for tokenization and charge/auth requests. keep track of errors and timestamps for both.
  • Loading branch information
swyman committed Jan 31, 2014
1 parent 798b717 commit df41eea
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Showing 9 changed files with 119 additions and 58 deletions.
32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions app/assets/javascripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,20 +92,38 @@ Crowdhoster.campaigns =

cardResponseHandler: (response) ->
form = document.getElementById('payment_form')
request_id_token = response.request_id

# store our new request_id
previous_token_elem = $("input[name='ct_tokenize_request_id']")
if (previous_token_elem.length > 0)
previous_token_elem.attr('value', request_id_token)
request_input = $('<input name="ct_tokenize_request_id" value="' + request_id_token + '" type="hidden" />');

$('#client_timestamp').val((new Date()).getTime())
switch response.status
when 201
token =
input = $('<input name="ct_card_id" value="' + token + '" type="hidden" />');
form = document.getElementById('payment_form')
$('#client_timestamp').val((new Date()).getTime())
card_token =
card_input = $('<input name="ct_card_id" value="' + card_token + '" type="hidden" />');
# show an error, re-enable the form submit button, save a record of errored payment
$('#errors').append('<p>An error occurred. Please check your credit card details and try again.</p><br><p>If you continue to experience issues, please <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Support request for a payment issue&body=PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR PAYMENT ISSUES HERE">click here</a> to contact support.</p>')
$button = $('button[type="submit"]')
$button.attr('disabled', false).html('Confirm payment of $' + $button.attr('data-total') )
$('#card_number').attr('name', 'card_number');
$('#security_code').attr('name', 'security_code');

data = $(form).serializeObject()
data.ct_tokenize_request_error_id = response.error_id
# make sure we don't have sensitive info
delete data.card_number
delete data.security_code

error_path = form.getAttribute('data-error-action')
$.post(error_path, data)
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions app/assets/javascripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,24 @@ window.Crowdhoster =


$.fn.serializeObject = ->
arrayData = @serializeArray()
objectData = {}
$.each arrayData, ->
if @value?
value = @value
value = ''

if objectData[@name]?
unless objectData[@name].push
objectData[@name] = [objectData[@name]]

objectData[@name].push value
objectData[@name] = value

$ ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/controllers/application_controller.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def check_init
def calculate_processing_fee(amount_cents)
amount_cents *= Rails.configuration.processing_fee_percentage.to_f / 100
amount_cents += Rails.configuration.processing_fee_flat_cents
return amount_cents.ceil

98 changes: 54 additions & 44 deletions app/controllers/campaigns_controller.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def checkout_payment
if params.has_key?(:reward) && params[:reward].to_i != 0
@reward = Reward.find(params[:reward])
rescue => exception
rescue StandardError => exception
redirect_to checkout_amount_url(@campaign), flash: { info: "This reward is unavailable. Please select a different reward!" }
Expand All @@ -65,29 +65,12 @@ def checkout_payment

def checkout_process

client_timestamp = params.has_key?(:client_timestamp) ? params[:client_timestamp].to_i : nil
ct_user_id = params[:ct_user_id]
ct_card_id = params[:ct_card_id]
fullname = params[:fullname]
email = params[:email]
billing_postal_code = params[:billing_postal_code]

#calculate amount and fee in cents
amount = (params[:amount].to_f*100).ceil
fee = calculate_processing_fee(amount)
quantity = params[:quantity].to_i

#Shipping Info
address_one = params.has_key?(:address_one) ? params[:address_one] : ''
address_two = params.has_key?(:address_two) ? params[:address_two] : ''
city = params.has_key?(:city) ? params[:city] : ''
state = params.has_key?(:state) ? params[:state] : ''
postal_code = params.has_key?(:postal_code) ? params[:postal_code] : ''
country = params.has_key?(:country) ? params[:country] : ''

#Additional Info
additional_info = params.has_key?(:additional_info) ? params[:additional_info] : ''

@reward = false
if params[:reward].to_i != 0
Expand All @@ -114,20 +97,8 @@ def checkout_process
# TODO: Check to make sure the amount is valid here

# Create the payment record in our db, if there are errors, redirect the user
payment_params = {client_timestamp: client_timestamp,
fullname: fullname,
email: email,
billing_postal_code: billing_postal_code,
quantity: quantity,
address_one: address_one,
address_two: address_two,
city: city,
state: state,
postal_code: postal_code,
country: country,
additional_info: additional_info}

@payment =
payment_params = basic_payment_info(params)
@payment =

if !@payment.valid?
error_messages = @payment.errors.full_messages.join(', ')
Expand All @@ -136,7 +107,7 @@ def checkout_process

# Check if there's an existing payment with the same payment_params and client_timestamp.
# If exists, look at the status to route accordingly.
if !client_timestamp.nil? && existing_payment = @campaign.payments.where(payment_params).first
if !payment_params[:client_timestamp].nil? && (existing_payment = @campaign.payments.where(payment_params).first)
case existing_payment.status
when nil
flash_msg = { info: "Your payment is still being processed! If you have not received a confirmation email, please try again or contact support by emailing [email protected]" }
Expand All @@ -160,32 +131,39 @@ def checkout_process
user_id: ct_user_id,
card_id: ct_card_id,
metadata: {
fullname: fullname,
email: email,
billing_postal_code: billing_postal_code,
quantity: quantity,
fullname: payment_params[:fullname],
email: payment_params[:email],
billing_postal_code: payment_params[:billing_postal_code],
quantity: payment_params[:quantity],
reward: @reward ? : 0,
additional_info: additional_info
additional_info: payment_params[:additional_info]
@campaign.production_flag ? Crowdtilt.production(@settings) : Crowdtilt.sandbox "CROWDTILT API REQUEST: /campaigns/#{@campaign.ct_campaign_id}/payments" payment

response ='/campaigns/' + @campaign.ct_campaign_id + '/payments', {payment: payment}) "CROWDTILT API RESPONSE:" response
rescue => exception
@payment.update_attribute(:status, 'error') "ERROR WITH POST TO /payments: #{exception.message}"
rescue Crowdtilt::ApiError => api_error
response = api_error.response
logger.error "API ERROR WITH POST TO /payments: #{response.status} #{response.body}"
error_attributes = {status: 'error'}
error_attributes[:ct_charge_request_id] = response.body['request_id'] if response.body['request_id']
error_attributes[:ct_charge_request_error_id] = response.body['error_id'] if response.body['error_id']
redirect_to checkout_amount_url(@campaign), flash: { error: "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact support by emailing [email protected]" } and return
rescue StandardError => exception
@payment.update_attributes({status: 'error'})
logger.error "ERROR WITH POST TO /payments: #{exception.message}"
redirect_to checkout_amount_url(@campaign), flash: { error: "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact support by emailing [email protected]" } and return

# Sync payment data
@payment.reward = @reward if @reward
@payment.ct_charge_request_id = response['request_id']

# Sync campaign data
Expand All @@ -212,7 +190,17 @@ def checkout_confirmation

def checkout_error
payment_info = basic_payment_info(params)
payment_info[:ct_tokenize_request_error_id] = params[:ct_tokenize_request_error_id]
payment_info[:status] = 'error'
payment =

render nothing: true


def load_campaign
@campaign = Campaign.find(params[:id])
Expand All @@ -234,4 +222,26 @@ def check_exp

# create simple payment hash from params. does not include fees/payment amounts/cc info.
# to be used in response to javascript payment-creation requests (eg checkout_process and checkout_error)
def basic_payment_info(params)
client_timestamp: params.has_key?(:client_timestamp) ? params[:client_timestamp].to_i : nil,
ct_tokenize_request_id: params[:ct_tokenize_request_id],
fullname: params[:fullname],
email: params[:email],
billing_postal_code: params[:billing_postal_code],
quantity: params[:quantity].to_i,

#Shipping Info
address_one: params.has_key?(:address_one) ? params[:address_one] : '',
address_two: params.has_key?(:address_two) ? params[:address_two] : '',
city: params.has_key?(:city) ? params[:city] : '',
state: params.has_key?(:state) ? params[:state] : '',
postal_code: params.has_key?(:postal_code) ? params[:postal_code] : '',
country: params.has_key?(:country) ? params[:country] : '',
additional_info: params.has_key?(:additional_info) ? params[:additional_info] : ''

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion app/models/payment.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :ct_payment_id, :status, :amount, :user_fee_amount, :admin_fee_amount, :fullname, :email,
:card_type, :card_last_four, :card_expiration_month, :card_expiration_year, :billing_postal_code,
:address_one, :address_two, :city, :state, :postal_code, :country, :quantity,
:additional_info, :client_timestamp
:additional_info, :client_timestamp,
:ct_charge_request_id, :ct_charge_request_error_id,
:ct_tokenize_request_id, :ct_tokenize_request_error_id

validates :fullname, :quantity, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true, email: true
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/views/campaigns/checkout_payment.html.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

<div class="well checkout_block" style="padding-bottom: 16px">

<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="<%= checkout_process_path(@campaign) %>" method="post" id="payment_form">
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="<%= checkout_process_path(@campaign) %>" method="post" id="payment_form" data-error-action="<%= checkout_error_path(@campaign) %>">

<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="<%= form_authenticity_token %>">
<h4 class="contact">Contact Information</h4>
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions config/routes.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
match '/:id/checkout/payment', to: 'campaigns#checkout_payment', as: :checkout_payment
match '/:id/checkout/process', to: 'campaigns#checkout_process', as: :checkout_process
match '/:id/checkout/confirmation', to: 'campaigns#checkout_confirmation', as: :checkout_confirmation
post '/:id/checkout/error', to: 'campaigns#checkout_error', as: :checkout_error
match '/:id', to: 'campaigns#home', as: :campaign_home

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions db/migrate/20140128001609_add_errors_to_payments.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
class AddErrorsToPayments < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :payments, :ct_tokenize_request_id, :string
add_column :payments, :ct_tokenize_request_error_id, :string
add_column :payments, :ct_charge_request_id, :string
add_column :payments, :ct_charge_request_error_id, :string
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions db/schema.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.

ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140116122844) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140128001609) do

create_table "campaigns", :force => true do |t|
t.string "name"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
t.string "card_expiration_month"
t.string "card_expiration_year"
t.integer "campaign_id"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.string "address_one"
t.string "address_two"
t.string "city"
Expand All @@ -125,7 +125,11 @@
t.integer "reward_id"
t.text "additional_info"
t.string "billing_postal_code"
t.integer "client_timestamp", :limit => 8
t.integer "client_timestamp", :limit => 8
t.string "ct_tokenize_request_id"
t.string "ct_tokenize_request_error_id"
t.string "ct_charge_request_id"
t.string "ct_charge_request_error_id"

create_table "rewards", :force => true do |t|
Expand Down

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