This is a L2 final project for Web development on UPEC. It's a web app using php for server-side. It is not finished .The remained around 30% of work to do. It's a site which allows to view Stats of the courses/teachers/ groups and also to manage them(for administrator (CRUD)). I used XAMPP to deploy project. You can use any php server you like. I also I used DB for phpMyAdmin .
To test the project.
Deploy project on XAMPP(or what you like);
Deploy DB to phpMyAdmin(or what you like);
configure the "config/db_config.php" with your actual ServerName,username,pass...
Open "client/index.php".
To test all the features you need an account.You can create your own for statistics purpose.
For Admin's purpose you can use some of the existent ones as:
- username-"admin1" (without quotes);
- password -"admin" (without quotes);