This app is a university project to show the work of REST API application with oracle DB.
For Client was used:
- React (the latest version with hooks and functional paradigm)
- Redux (for state-management)
- Thunk (for async actions with redux)
- Material-UI (The Main View library)
- Axios (for API requests on the client(authorized with JWT TOKEN))
- React-Router (for navigation purpose)
For Server was used:
- Spring-Boot (API Framework based on Spring)
- JDBC (for connection with DataBase(MySql))
- Spring-Security-JWT (for users authentication and users management)
- Hibernate (for work with DataBase using Classes)
For DataBase was used OracleDB 19.c
To run this app you should have the following requirements:
- Maven (
- yarn (
- Oracle DB (at least 12c) (
To run this app:
- git clone
- import db schema(pacient.sql) from the cloned repository in your pc (I used sqlDeveloper 19.2.1)
- change the following file server/src/main/resources/
- 1521 to your db port and pdb to imported db namespring.datasource.username=sasha
- sasha to your db userNamespring.datasource.password=sanea
- sanea to your db password
- open 2 terminals in the cloned repository
mvn spring-boot:run
(this will install all dependencies for the server from maven,this can last for ~ 5 minutes,in dependency of internet connection and the power of the pc,and then this will start the server)
cd client
yarn install
(this will install all dependencies for the client from yarn)yarn start
(this will run the app in the browser)
By default
- Server have default port 8080
- Client have default port 3000
- If some of them is occupied
netstat -ano | findstr :occupied_port
(this will find the pid which is using the occupied port)taskkill /PID pid_from_above /F
- Rerun the app
Also, you can check endpoints of server using the postman Collection from postman.txt
- [email protected]
- password
- [email protected]
- I forgot it (((
Here you can find diagram of BD tables and their relations.
ABOUT APP This app allows you to manage a database of patients,their recipe,pills, and so on. Each registered user is the doctor,so then user add a new treatment for user, it will be their doctor for this ill.
this piece of code from src/main/resources/ allows managing connection with oracle db
For working with DB I used Hibernate approach
Also for more complex query I am using custom query's data repository
public class ProjectRepositoryCustomImp implements ProjectRepositoryCustom {
private final EntityManager em;
ProjectRepositoryCustomImp(EntityManager em) {
this.em = em;
public TratamentMedicament getMedicamentToMedic() {
String queryString = "select medic_id,cod_medicament,sum(cantitate) as cantitati from tratament GROUP BY ROLLUP(medic_id,cod_medicament)";
try {
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(queryString, "MedicinePerDoctor");
return (TratamentMedicament) query.getResultList();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
A preview of uml (For full UML check PacientApplication.uml)
for demo video of app you can check
Conclusion: Oracle DB Works fine with spring boot, and it can be useful for small and big app,but for a small app I would choose something easier. But for big it's a must-have.