The idea of this repo is to illustrate how prefect caching can be leveraged using JuiceFS in both a cloud and local environment.
The basic idea of this pairing is that Prefect has been designed to natively handle flow run caching using local filesystems. There exists to my knowledge no distributed or cloud native means to leverage this caching mechanism other than using mounted S3 volumes.
Although a simple S3 mounted storage would work, it would not be fit for the purpose of minimising latency, maximising throughput and simplifying developer experience.
JuiceFS is purpose built high-performance distributed file system. Superficially the difference in throughput can be illustrated by:
To run this repo perform the following steps:
Install JuiceFS on your local machine
| Note that MacOS users need to also install MacFUSE via brew
Setup python virtual environment
Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Startup JuiceFS
In virtualenv run:
source .env && python -input 1 2 3
** Juice can also use an S3 backend by sourcing your relevant S3 credentials and running ./ -c s3
The prefect script accepts space seperated inputs that are cast to a list. These input are used to generate a hash key. The function is artificially halted for three seconds when run for the first time. After that a cache should be used.
Notably JuiceFS is not needed for this example to run, in fact everything should run perfectly well without JuiceFS, as expected. The big benefit here is that in theory the mounted files system should perform exactly like a local path, regardless of where the script gets executed.
The caveat here is that a substantial amount of opionated configuration for both Prefect and JuiceFS is being handled in the .env
file. This can be gradually modified to hosted or local configurations based on the runtime requirements.
graph LR;
Expanding on flow contents we see:
graph LR;
Importantly, by using JuiceFS, the filesystem can be abstacted to either a local directory or a shared S3 bakcend directory based on the runtime
To monitor and review prefect runs locally, the following script can be executed:
source .env && prefect orion start