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Little Liquids

Kiro edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 11 revisions


Little Tiles provides two different sources of liquid that can be cut into tiles or placed with a Little Chisel. Depending on the color the water is painted, it will have a proper tint while underwater.

liquid properties

While in survival, water will drain your breath gauge while lava will hurt and burn you.

liquid properties survival

All three blocks act as solid when placed, but become liquid when chiseled or painted.

liquid state

You can control the flow of the liquid as is stated here.

Lava Block:

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Works the same as lava. Will burn if touched, regardless of structure size.

Water Block:

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Function as Water when used as a structure. Underwater color will vary depending on painted color. Will not mix with Vanilla Water (there will be visible seams).

Right Clicking with a empty bucket will change the flow direction.

White Water Block

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Functions exactly like the Water Block, but, considering its white texture, can be painted in almost any color.

white water color compare