The kvm vTDS Cluster layer plugin implementation
This repository contains the implementation of a vTDS Cluster layer plugin that should be usable by any vTDS configuration to create a vTDS cluster. The plugin includes an implementation of the vTDS Cluster layer API and a base configuration. The API implementation can be used on top of any combination of vTDS Provider and vTDS Platform implementations to manage a vTDS system at the cluster level. The base configuration supplied here, if used unchanged, will create a cluster of an Allpication layer specified number of KVM Linux VM Virtual Nodes running on a Virtual Node Interconnect using a VxLAN overlay over the top of an Application layer specified set of provider and platform supplied Blade Interconnect network underlays. Application specific configuration like the numbmer and names of Virtual Nodes and Virtual Blades, IP Addressing on the Blade Interconnect the Virtual Node Interconnect networks, routing into the Virtual Node Interconnect, virtual IP addresses, external network connectivity, host-names, and so forth are driven from the Application layer of the vTDS architecture.
The core driver mechanism and a brief introduction to the vTDS architecture and concepts can be found in the vTDS Core Project Repository.