Simple, lightweight and fast NPC plugin using packets
Only for minecraft server version 1.19.4 - 1.20.1
Using paper is highly recommended
The official documentation is being moved from here to the official website.
The content below might be out-dated, please use the website above.
/npc create (name) - Creates a new npc at your location
/npc remove (name) - Removes an npc
/npc copy (name) (new name) - Copies an npc
/npc list - Summary of all npcs
/npc skin (name) [(skin)] - Sets the skin for an npc
/npc type (name) (type) - Sets the entity type for an npc
/npc attribute (name) (attribute) (value)- Set certain npc attributes
/npc movehere (name) - Teleports an npc to your location
/npc displayName (name) (displayName ...) - Sets the displayname for an npc
/npc equipment (name) (slot) - Equips the npc with the item you are holding
/npc message (name) ('none'|message) - Set NPC message
/npc serverCommand (name) ('none'|command ...) - The command will be executed by the console when someone interacts
with the
/npc playerCommand (name) ('none'|command ...) - Executes the command on a player when interacting
/npc showInTab (name) (true|false) - Whether the NPC will be shown in tab-list or not
/npc turnToPlay (name) (true|false) - Whether the NPC will turn to you or not
/npc glowing (name) (true|false) - Whether the NPC will glow or not
/npc glowingColor (name) (color) - Changes the color of the glowing effect
/fancynpcs version - Shows you the current plugin version
/fancynpcs save - Saves all npcs
/fancynpcs reload - Reloads the config and npcs
Using <empty>
as displayName will make the whole name tag invisible.
For the serverCommand, there is a placeholder {player}
- it will be replaced with the username of the player who
interacted with the npc.
You can also use any placeholder from PlaceholderAPI.
For the /fancynpcs command - FancyNpcs.admin
For the /npc command - FancyNpcs.npc
For all subcommands of /npc - FancyNpcs.npc.*
Permission for a subcommand of /npc - FancyNpcs.npc.<subcommand>
When using any entity type other than Player, the following features are disabled:
- Changing the skin
- Changing the equipment
- Showing in tab
To have multiple lines as the display name of an NPC follow the following steps:
- download the FancyHolograms plugin and put it in the plugins folder
- start your server and make sure the FancyNpcs and FancyHolograms plugin have both loaded
- create a hologram with multiple lines
- create a npc
- link the hologram with the npc
/hologram edit <hologram> linkWithNpc <npc>
- you can now move the npc around and the hologram will always follow
- to unlink simply run
/hologram edit <hologram> unlinkWithNpc
- Clone this repo and run
gradlew shadowJar
- The jar file will be in