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Pamela Gay edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the TransientTracker1.0 wiki!

Transient Tracker is built using ImageJ. (Forum Here)

Transient Trackers Feature Map

Getting Started

  • Requirements *
  • System Setup


  • Utilities

    • Image Math
      • Stats: Ave, Mean, Median
      • Calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, devision
      • MinMax: Stacking, averaging
    • Header Tools
      • Edit
      • Calculate Julian Dates
      • Calculate Airmass
    • Plotting Tools
  • Identify sources in an image

    • Image Types: FITS, TIFF, JPEG, PNG
    • Output header: Image name
    • Columns: X, Y
  • Photometry (FITS and TIFF only)

    • Measure FWHM (assume circular)
    • Measure Magnitudes (relative)
      • Input: Image FWHM, Aperture, Annulus
      • Output Header: Image Name, Image FWHM, Aperture, Annulus
      • Columns: X, Y, obj FWHM, mag, magerr
    • Find Photometric Offsets
      • Input: processed images in multiple filters, either manual standards or astrometry-based smart calibration
      • Output: All inputs, magnitude offsets by color, color terms, errors
  • Astrometry (All file types)

  • Identify Transients

  • Period Finding

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