Tool to constrain the parameters of physics models using Bayesian inference by combining measurements of (different) observables. Especially suitable for EFT models. Bayesian inference is performed using the Bayesian Analysis Toolkit - BAT.jl.
The likelihood used in the CombinationTool is based on the EFTfitter
- Assumption: Measurements of physical quantities are approximately gaussian. This allows to combine the measurements using the following likelihood:
with the covariance matrix:
- Model: Predicting physical observables as a function of the model parameters
- Measurements: Measured values of the observables, including (various types of) uncertainties
- Correlations: Correlation matrices for all types of uncertainties
- runCombinationTool.jl: Main routine for performing a run of the CombinationTool
- inputs.jl: Input file. Providing observables, measurements, uncertainties and correlations.
CombinationTool.jl: module definition
datahandling.jl: type definitions for observables, measurements, uncertainties and correlations. Functions to add these objects to arrays.
combination.jl: Calculation of the covariance matrix and the combination likelihood
callingBAT.jl: passing the combination likelihood to BAT.jl
- Unit tests for parts of the code