This is a simple traffic light made with a LOLIN D32 board.
It is made with non-blocking code in mind, that means that there is no use of delay().
We use millis() and interupts instead.
When the LOLIN D32 board is powered the traffic light will start in the standard state. The cycle of the standard state is as follows:
- 5s green
- 2s yellow
- 5s red
- 2s yellow
When the button is pressed the traffic light will go into the maintenance state.
The cycle of the maintenance state is as follows:
- 1s yellow on
- 1s yellow off
If the button is pressed again the traffic light will change back to the standard state.
- 1 Lolin D32 board
- 3 Leds (Red, Yellow, Green)
- 3 Resistors (3 x 100 Ohm for 3,3V)
- 1 Button (Internal pullup)
The arduino IDE (
The IDE allows you to edit and compile the code as well as sending it to the LOLIN D32 board.