Create a docker-registry secret in order to allow the cluster to pull the image
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry neanias-registry --docker-username=<registry_username> --docker-email=<registry_email> --docker-password=<registry_pull_registry_token> --docker-server=<private_registry_url> -n <namespace_name>
Create a secret with the InfluxDB credentials:
$ kubectl -n <namespace_name> apply -f status-page-secret.yaml
Create a k8s service for the deployment:
$ kubectl -n <namespace_name> apply -f status-page-service.yaml
Create a k8s deployment for the application ( nginx + flask web app):
$ kubectl -n <namespace_name> apply -f status-page-deployment.yaml
- pip3
- virtualenv
Create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv create venv
Create a .env file with InfluxDB credentials:
cp .env.example .env
Fill the .env file with the credentials Note that we use the .env just for development purposes
Enable the virtualenv
$ source venv/bin/activate
You can run the webapp in debug mode running the provided bash script:
$ bash ./run_dev_env.sh