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Decaf compiler

Repo Structure

  • ast.h: It contains the ast structure of a decaf program. I have made passes like printing the ast and the code generation in llvm using the visitor design pattern.
  • BlockTable.h: It contains a class to store all the block variables in the local scope
  • compiler.l: This is the lex file and it generates the lexical analyzer of this language
  • compiler.y: This file if the parser generator for the decaf language, and the grammar of the language has been specified in this file
  • Visitor.h: It contains the definitions of all the visitors, which are neccessary for a pass to be run on it
  • PrintVisitor.cpp: This is a pass which prints the ast that has been generated after running the compiler on a decaff program
  • CodeGenVisitor.h: This is a pass which generates the llvm IR, which can be furthur compiled using lli or clang and an executable can be generated
  • main_codegen_visitor.cpp: This is the main file to run the CodeGenVisitor pass on the generated ast
  • main_print_visitor.cpp: This is the main file to run the PrintVisitor pass on the generated ast
  • sample_programs: It contains some sample decaf programs to test the compiler

Running the executable

For IR Generation

To build the front end

make TYPE=main_codegen_visitor.cpp 

To obtain the IR

./compiler <input_file> > <output_file>

To convert the IR into executable

clang-3.6 <output_file>

To run the executable


For Print Visitor

make TYPE=main_print_visitor.cpp

To obtain the printed AST

./compiler <input_file>


  • This is llvm frontend for the decaf programming language. The intermediate representation is generated on the standard output. If any errors are detected, the error is thrown on the stderr.
  • The things still to be implemented are the continue statement, the break statement, and the error handling on detection of an error.


decaff-compiler-AnishGG created by GitHub Classroom






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