2.3.0: Favorites, bug fixes, and more
Changes to Amiigo:
Added context menus to the selector screen, hold down on the touch screen for 0.5 seconds or press Y
Added option to save Amiibos to the current location in the selector
Added ability to favorite an Amiibo (See context menu)
Added ability to delete an Amiibo (See context menu)
Added ability to make a new folder (See context menu)
Added "back" option to lists when in a subcategory
Altered the colours of the Amiigo store to be less bright
Amiigo will now reset the active virtual Amiibo when disabling Emuiibo
Updated to latest Arriba
Changes to Arriba:
Fixed mistake in the rendering code that would cause apps made with Arriba to render at 720p when launched in applet mode
Replaced all linear algebra logic from GLM with a custom math library
Added support for analog sticks
Made several optimizations to improve the rendering speed
Added basic support for layers
Added alt callback for inertial lists
Fixed incorrect texture coordinate data that would cause framebuffers to render upside down
Further abstracted input system from LibNX
Other minor changes and bug fixes
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