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Closed Mar 16, 2021 100% complete

💥 Upcoming release with breaking changes. 💥

This release is focused on improving the experience for developers contributing to the toolkit itself, cleaning up our technical debt, and reducing the number of dependencies for specific packages within the toolkit itself.

It'll be important to read the releases notes and guidance for this release more so than …

💥 Upcoming release with breaking changes. 💥

This release is focused on improving the experience for developers contributing to the toolkit itself, cleaning up our technical debt, and reducing the number of dependencies for specific packages within the toolkit itself.

It'll be important to read the releases notes and guidance for this release more so than any other toolkit release in the past. We have done our best to ensure smooth transitions to many areas though.

Tentative release is planned for Feb 2021, this date is still being determined as we're driving this date based on major refactoring work which is ongoing.
