A terminal calculator written in Rust with real-time calculating.
- added advanced equations
- Real-time math equation solving
- Support for basic operations (
) - advanced equations (trig, etc)
- functions
- Error handling
- Clean interface
simply search Rmath in your preferred aur helper, for example, yay -S rmath
git clone https://github.com/ColtNovak/rmath.git
cd RustCalc
cargo build --release
sudo mv target/release/rmath /usr/bin/
echo $PATH
Then, restart your terminal, and that's it! Now you can run the 'rmath' command to launch the script.
type anything into it, for example:
sqrt(4.0) * pi + cos(4.0)
and just watch as it solves your equation instantly and in real-time.
- Custom coloring for different symbols
- solving for X
- fractions
- auto parenthesis closing
- more functions
- I lowk have NO idea how to update my aur package lol help me