This project collects the python grading functions that have been used in various HX courses and puts them all in one place so that they're easier to implement.
Nothing in particular.
in your Files & Uploads. Leave it zipped. Do not unzip it first.
You should be able to call functions from that library as demonstrated in the XML_Example file, basically like this:
from python_lib import HXFileName
HXFileName.nameOfFunction(options, moreoptions)
multiTextResponseGrader(ans, options) - for text-logging problems
qualtricsSurveyGrader(ans, options) - for grading Qualtrics surveys
textResponseGrader(ans, options) - for text-logging problems
videoWatchGrader(ans, grading) - for video watch problems
matchingAGrader(ans, right_answer, partial_credit, feedback) - for accessible matching problems
rangeGuessGrader(ans, options) - for range guessing problems
getRangeGuesserParams(options) - also for range guessing problems, just not the grader
returnTrue() - just to make sure things are working
insertJavascript() - just to make sure things are working
JSAlert() - it console.logs whatever you put into it. Just a proof-of-concept.
All other tools have been moved to the new hx-util repository.