About • Requirements • Detailed Features • Properties • Run Locally • Contributing • Related
This project provides the analytical data of charts for various tools like Jira, ALM, Zephyr, Bots, Jenkins, Service Now, Rally, Git & Xray. Data is fetched from the mongoDB for each tool & metric calculation will be done using metric formula.
- JDK 11
- MongoDB Server 4.0 or above
Controller API: /api/metrics/calculate-metrics
- This api will calculate the metric value for a chart based on the configuration having formula & formula params that are used inside functions.
- This API will receive configuration information like tool name, dashboard name, project name etc
- Based on the configuration, it will fetch required metric config having formula’s, formula param’s, functions etc.
- Response contains metric calculation output.
Calculation types: Calculation will be done in four ways:
- Basic calculation : This calculation is done without considering any trending or grouping.
- Trend By : This calculation is done if we want metric data for last 'n' no of weeks/months/years/days.
- Group By : This calculation is done based on grouping of a specific field considering distinct data of that field.
- Custom functions : This calculation will be done based on function name. Entire logic will be inside the code.
Authentication will be provided using the project "ciqdashboard-auth"
UI will get backend logic from the project "ciqdashboard-api"
ciqdashboard-api will take metric calculation value from this project "ciqdashboard-metric-service"
Each project will use the data present in mongoDB. Data will fetch in certain period of time from the collector projects like JIRA, ALM etc
In order to run this project, you must provide the following values in application.properties which can be found under resources directory
MongoDB Server URI
MongoDB credents
Server port
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/CognizantCodeHub/ciqdashboard-metric-services.git
Go to the project directory
cd ciqdashboard-metric-services
Build the project
gradle build
Start the application
gradle bootrun
Contributions are always welcome!
See CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
Here are some related projects
CIQDashboard Jira(cloud) Collector
CIQDashboard Jira+Zephyr(cloud) Collector
CIQDashboard Jira+Zephyr(On Premise) Collector
CIQDashboard Jenkins Collector