Welcome to my personal portfolio website! I'm Arpit Sarang, a Frontend Developer with a passion for building beautiful, interactive, and user-friendly websites. In this portfolio, you'll find some of my best works, skills, and a glimpse into my journey as a developer.
- HTML: Building the structure and layout of the website.
- CSS: Styling the website with custom animations and modern design techniques.
- JavaScript: Adding interactivity and enhancing user experience.
- Flexbox and Grid: For creating responsive layouts and dynamic designs.
- Git & GitHub: Version control and repository management.
You can view my live portfolio by visiting:
SaranG.teCh Portfolio
(Note: Replace this link with your actual live portfolio URL)
- Home Section: Introduction to who I am, my skills, and what I do.
- About Section: More about my background, education, and passions.
- Projects Section: A showcase of the projects I have worked on.
- Contact Section: A contact form to reach out for collaboration, feedback, or opportunities.
- Responsive Design: The portfolio is fully responsive, adapting to all screen sizes.
- Slick Animations: Smooth animations for elements as you scroll.
- Interactive Design: Hover effects and transitions to keep users engaged....