attatch IAM role to an ec2 instance which enables it to interact with an s3 bucket, create a new bucket and list buckets from cli
Create an S3 bucket that will trigger the Lambda function.
Create a Lambda function that sends an email notification when an object is uploaded to the S3 bucket.
Set up an S3 event notification to trigger the Lambda function when a new object is uploaded.
Test the setup by uploading an object to the S3 bucket and verifying that an email notification is received.
- cloud watch log
- EC2
- Pinpoint Email
- Route 53
- S3
- SES Mail Manager
- SES v2
import boto3
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
for e in event["Records"]:
bucketName = e["s3"]["bucket"]["name"]
objectName = e["s3"]["object"]["key"]
eventName = e["eventName"]
bClient = boto3.client("ses")
eSubject = 'AWS' + str(eventName) + 'Event'
eBody = """
Welcome to AWS S3 notification lambda trigger<br>
We are here to notify you that {} an event was triggered.<br>
Bucket name : {} <br>
Object name : {}
""".format(eventName, bucketName, objectName)
send = {"Subject": {"Data": eSubject}, "Body": {"Html": {"Data": eBody}}}
result = bClient.send_email(Source= "[email protected]", Destination= {"ToAddresses": ["[email protected]"]}, Message= send)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(result)