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The CodeIX.ServiceInjection is a Roslyn-based source generator for .NET that facilitates automatic dependency injection into classes. It allows services and dependencies to be inserted into classes without manually initializing them in the constructor.

Table of Contents


Dependency injection is a powerful technique for creating loosely coupled applications. However, it can be tedious to manually inject dependencies into classes. This is especially true for large projects with many dependencies. The CodeIX.ServiceInjection package aims to solve this problem by automatically injecting services and dependencies into classes.

Usually you would have to write something like this:

public class MyClass
    private readonly MyService1 _myService1;
    private readonly MyService2 _myService2;
    private readonly MyService3 _myService3;
    public MyClass(MyService1 myService1, MyService2 myService2, MyService3 myService3)
        _myService1 = myService1;
        _myService2 = myService2;
        _myService3 = myService3;

A lot of boilerplate code is required to inject the services into the class. This is where the CodeIX.ServiceInjection package comes in. It automatically injects the services into the class by creating a partial class with the necessary constructor.


  • Automatic Injection: Injects services and dependencies directly into your classes.
  • Configurable: Supports custom settings to control the injection process.
  • Easy to Use: Seamlessly integrates into the .NET build process.


Add the CodeIX.ServiceInjection NuGet package to your project:

dotnet add package CodeIX.ServiceInjection


To use the source generator, simply mark a class with the [ServiceInjection] attribute and mark the properties or fields you want to be injected with the [Injected] attribute:

using CodeIX.ServiceInjection;

public partial class MyClass
    public MyService MyServiceObject { get; set; }

The source generator automatically generates a partial class with the necessary constructor to inject MyService into MyClass, which will look like this:

partial class MyClass
    public MyClass(MyService MyServiceObject)
        this.MyServiceObject = MyServiceObject ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(MyServiceObject));


Basic Usage

ServiceInjection is possible for both properties and fields:

public partial class ExampleClass
    private readonly Service1 _service1Field;

    public Service2 Service2Property { get; set; }

Optional Dependencies

Dependencies can be marked as optional by setting the isOptional parameter of the [Injected] attribute to true:

public partial class ExampleClass
    public Service1 Service1Property { get; set; }

    [Injected(isOptional: true)]
    public Service2 Service2Property { get; set; }

If Service1 is not registered, the ServiceProvider will throw an exception. If the optional Service2 is not registered in the service collection, the ServiceProvider will inject null into the property.

Setting the injected type

By default, the type of the injected property or field is used to determine the type of the injected service. If you want to inject a different type, you can set the injectedType parameter of the [Injected] attribute:

public partial class ExampleClass
    [Injected(injectedType: typeof(Service1))]
    public IService Service1Property { get; set; } // will inject Service1
    [Injected(injectedType: typeof(Service2))]
    public IService Service2Property { get; set; } // will inject Service2

Keep in mind that the injected type must be registered in the service collection by its inherited type instead of base type.

Custom Constructor

You can still create a constructor for your class. The source generator will call it and inject the services afterwards:

public partial class ExampleClass
    public ExampleClass()
        // do something
        // keep in mind that the injected services are not available here

    public Service1 Service1Property { get; set; }

You can also create a constructor with parameters. The source generator will call it and inject the services afterwards:

public partial class ExampleClass
    public ExampleClass(Service1 service1Property)
        // do something with service1Property before it is injected, like configuration

    Service1 Service1Property { get; set; }

Keep in mind that the injected services are injected after the constructor is called. This means that the injected services are not available in the constructor.

Also it's constrained by the ServiceProviders ability to resolve the constructor parameters. If the ServiceProvider can't resolve the constructor parameters, it will throw an exception.

List of Services

Of course you can also inject a list of services, which will give you all Services of the specified type:

public partial class ExampleClass
    public IEnumerable<IService> ServiceProperty { get; set; }

This must be supported by the ServiceProvider. For example, the ServiceProvider of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection supports this.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our contribution guidelines for more information.


  • Property injection
  • Field injection
  • Constructor parameter injection
  • Support registering services in the service collection


For questions or issues, please open an issue on GitHub.