Visual Studio 2015 Solution Angular2 Sample with MVC6 (ASP.NET vNext)
This is a sample I'm putting together to share some exploration of Angular2 with a new ASP5 / MVC6 project.
Some of the tech I'm using are:
Angular2 [Client Side]
-components -forms -routers -http -using fetch for http -typescript -System.js
ASP5 / MVC6 (vNext) [Server Side]
-Web API -MVC6 -Entity Framework EF 7 -npm -gulp
Stuff I want to explore:
Using Microsoft ASP Identity with Angular2
Hybrid MVC Controller Routing with Angular2 Routing. (there's code currently added to web config that does some blocking on routes to cause clientside to be resolved first)
Using Gulp server side to compile in production vs transpiling with System.js during dev.
Looking for contributers! -come play