A CoCoViLa Package that facilitates simulation of dynamic processes.
Load the package (Package>Load) DynSysSim.xml.
Open a demo scheme (File>Load Scheme) DSS-demo1.syn. Run the Simulation (Scheme>Run) -- You'll see what happens when you integrate time.
Load another demo simulation DSS-demo2_predator-prey.syn. Run the simulation. Try to adjust the simulation parameters (adders' coefficients) so that the population of preys and predators would not extinguish - life is not a simple thing! :)
Every scheme should have one Simulator - a Simulation Engine that possess the simulation properties like simulation time and time step (or a number of simulation steps in a time unit), and acts as a supervisor during the simulation execution. The Simulator must be set as super from the Properties window (make double-click or right-click on the image on the scheme to acces the menu).
You can set the Graph object to display several inputs - the number is unlimited.
To execute a simulation choose Scheme>Run.
Have Fun! :)
NB! The current implementation uses Euler method for integration that is not usable for any real-like application. A better implementation is coming soon.