This is a sample of GraphQL API.
Install all dependencies with yarn:
$ yarn
Create a new file .env
based on .env-example
and run the docker container:
$ docker-compose up -d
If that is the first time you run the API, generate the tables e some data in the db:
$ yarn sequelize-skeleton
Run the following command and try Queries or mutations at: http://localhost:4000/graphql
$ yarn start
The following Queries and mutations are allowed:
- saldo(conta: Int!): returns a int for the current balance of the given account.
- sacar(conta: Int!, valor: Int!): Returns the given account, after usbtracting the value
- depositar(conta: Int!, valor: Int!): Returns the given account, after adding the value.
TO DO list
- Add a unit tests in the project
- Add script to build to production (ops, lol)
- Alot of refactoring
- Create more Queries to generate new accounts (basic CRUD)
- Develop a web application to consume the API
- Graphql
- Apollo Graphql
- Serialize: