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Seb's SystemHomes Plugin

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A customizable plugin for Minecraft Paper servers. This plugin allows players to sethomes, warps, playerwarps and tpa.


  • Manage homes with /sethome, /home, and /homes.
  • Teleport to other players with /tpa, /tpaccept, and /tpdeny.
  • Manage warps with /setwarp, /warp, /delwarp, and /warps.
  • Manage player warps with /setpwarp, /pwarp, /delpwarp, and /pwarps.
  • Do /spawn to /warp spawn


TPA Commands

Command Description
/tpa <player> Request to teleport to another player.
/tpahere <player> Request to teleport another player to yourself.
/tpaccept Accept a teleport request.
/tpdeny Deny a teleport request.

Home Commands

Command Description
/sethome <name> Set a home with a specific name.
/delhome <name> Delete a home with a specific name.
/home <name> Teleport to a specific home.
/homes List all your homes.

Warp Commands

Command Description
/setwarp <name> Set a global warp with a specific name.
/delwarp <name> Delete a specific warp.
/warp <name> Teleport to a specific warp.
/warps List all available warps.
/spawn Teleports to the spawn warp.

Player Warp Commands

Command Description
/setpwarp <name> Set a player warp with a specific name.
/delpwarp <name> Delete a player warp.
/pwarp <name> Teleport to a player warp.
/pwarps List all available player warps.


The plugin's settings can be customized in the config.yml file. Below is an example configuration:

  teleport_delay: 2
  teleport_delay: 2
  teleport_delay: 2
  max_warps: 3
  teleport_delay: 2
  request_timeout: 30


Do these even work atm?

Admin Permission Description
systemhomes.admin.* Grants access to all admin perms.
systemhomes.admin.reload Grants access to reload.
systemhomes.admin.warp Grants access to set and delete warp.
systemhomes.admin.pwarp Grants access to delete and modify all PlayerWarps.
Player Permissions (default) Description
systemhomes.player.* Grants access to all player perms.
systemhomes.player.tpa Grants access to use tpa and tpahere.
systemhomes.player.home Grants access to use and set homes.
systemhomes.player.warp Grants access to use warps.
systemhomes.player.pwarp Grants access to use, set and delete own playerwarps.


  1. Download the plugin's .jar file.
  2. Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
  3. Restart or reload your server.
  4. Edit the config.yml file in the plugins/SystemHomes folder to customize settings.
  5. Use the commands in-game to enjoy the plugin!


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


GNU GPLv3 License

This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.