The server hosts multiple concurrent clients and needs to be run once. Then each different client can use the './chatclient' binary to connect to the server. The clients can choose to message everyone in the chat or direct message certain users.
$ cd ./server
$ make
g++ -std=c++11 -c -o chatserver.o server.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -lpthread -lcrypto -lz chatserver.o -o chatserver
$ cd ./client
$ make
g++ -std=c++11 -c -o chatclient.o client.cpp
g++ -o chatclient -std=c++11 -lpthread -lcrypto -lz chatclient.o
First we have to launch the server so it can connect multiple clients. Use the following command in the '/server' folder where the chatserver binary lives. Replace 8000 below with any PORT NUMBER:
$ ./chatserver [PORT NUMBER]
$ ./chatserver 8000
Accepting connections on port 4000
To connect to the server you use the following sytax (IP Address of the machine the server binary is running on):
$ ./chatclient
$ ./chatclient
Enter the Ip Address:
Enter the Port no.: 8000
Enter the Username: Shubham
Connecting to on port 8000
Conected to
pass: password
Successfully Joined Chat
Please enter a command: P (Public message), D (Direct message), Q (Quit)
Here is an example of how a public message would look from one client:
Please enter a command: P (Public message), D (Direct message), Q (Quit)
> P
Enter the public message: test
The other client would see this in their console:
Please enter a command: P (Public message), D (Direct message), Q (Quit)
*** Incoming public message ***: test
Here is an example of how direct messaging works with clients:
Please enter a command: P (Public message), D (Direct message), Q (Quit)
> D
Peers online:
Peer to message: Alexander
Message: test2
The other client would see this in their console:
Please enter a command: P (Public message), D (Direct message), Q (Quit)
*** Incoming private message from Sean***: test2
These are just the comma-separated list of users allowed to use the system. If upon login a user is not recognized, their username and password is added to this file. The file follows the following format:
[user], [password for user]