pkg install tcl86 tk86
mkdir -p /opt/wafelka
chown -R $USER /opt/wafelka
cd /opt/
cp wafelka/wafelka.desktop /usr/local/share/applications/wafelka.desktop
/usr/local/bin/wish8.6 /opt/wafelka/wafelka.tcl
mouse from the menu
rm /usr/local/share/applications/wafelka.desktop
rm -rf /opt/wafelka/
wafelka is a program for quick wi-fi setup and switching that will help you connect to the network with minimal effort. If wi-fi has not been configured according to the relevant documentation for the handbook, then the program will try to configure it.
The buttons in the program correspond to all available SSID/MESH at the time the program is launched. Pressing the button selects the network to connect to. The "more" checkbox allows you to show more networks available.
After selecting the desired network, you will be prompted to enter the password twice from the access point. The entered password and login will be saved in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and the service will be restarted.
The project has been put on hold.
The program is not ready to be sent to ports, for the following reasons :
- The program does not work for wayland.
- It seems to me that there is no point in this, because everything is done on behalf of the root.