pkg install sysutils/sndy
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/sndy
make install clean
or mouse from the menu
pkg remove sysutils/sndy
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/sndy make deinstall
sudo pkg install tcl86 tk86
sudo mkdir -p /opt/sndy
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/
cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/Clockwork6400/sndy.git
cp sndy/sndy.desktop /usr/local/share/applications/sndy.desktop
/usr/local/bin/wish8.6 /opt/sndy/sndy.tcl
mouse from the menu
rm /usr/local/share/applications/sndy.desktop
rm -rf /opt/sndy/
sndy - is an audio switching program that allows you to redirect sound output to any port of your computer.
The buttons in the program correspond to the init line in your /dev/sndstat. Pressing the button toggles the sound output with the sysctl command hw.snd.default_unit=X.
Do not switch audio output during playback of a single audio file. The OSS sound system can only play sound to one device at a time. Therefore, you need to wait for the end or completion of the previous sound file before switching.
The scroll bar can be used to change the volume level. The volume is changed using the mixer vol *10 command. That is, each digit from 0 to 10 multiplied by 10 corresponds to a percentage of volume.
The selected pcm is only saved until you reboot. To save the default sound output, add hw.snd.default_unit= to the system file /etc/sysctl.conf