Ufrisk (https://github.com/ufrisk/pcileech-fpga)
spicyninja (discord: spicy_ninja) (UC: spicyninja800)
Ice (discord: ice_1c)
Clincy (discord: cincyyy) (server: https://discord.gg/clincy)
Modified version of stock pcileech for bypassing the drvscan targeted at detecting RW1C bits. It should be known this was only tested on the 35t Squirrel constraints and .tcl files. The othere were added and not tested, but it should still work. Anything you would need can be found here.
this is an upgrade to the current Writemask that adds RW1C bits in a .coe mask. Currently only the Device status register is being masked correctly as an example of how to use it and in order to bypass the current ekknod Drvscan method. I would advise learning how to use writemask and then RW1C mask, as it if it is implemented correctly, it should lead to a perfect replica of the device configuration space, without any R/W or R/O detections