Release v22.8.8.4-clib
Image is published at icr.io/clickhouse/clickhouse:
- This Release is on top of v22.8.8.3-lts
- From branch Kusto-phase3
November 7, 2022
KQL implemented features
array_sort_asc and array_sort_desc
Returns the same number of arrays as in the input, with the first array sorted in ascending order, and the remaining arrays ordered to match the reordered first array. null will be returned for every array that differs in length from the first one.
Becasue array in ClickHouse is not nullable, so an array with a single NULL (
) is returned instead of a null if array that differs in length from the first one:array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, 3]), dynamic([20, 40, 30]), dynamic([100, 200])) -> [1,2,3,NULL],[10,20,30,40],[NULL]
the result can be used as a condition
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visit; CREATE TABLE visit(pageid UInt8, ip_country Array(Nullable(String)), hit Array(Int64),duration Array(Int64)) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO visit VALUES (1,['CA', 'US','FR','Eng'], [11,16,12,20],[100,500,300,200]); INSERT INTO visit VALUES (2,['Japan', 'Gem','FR','Eng'], [31,22,33,10],[510,410,310,210]); INSERT INTO visit VALUES (3,['CA', 'Gem','Japan','Eng'], [25,10,23,11],[120,110,130]); INSERT INTO visit VALUES (4,['CA', 'Gem',null,'Eng'], [5,10,3,2],[220,320,310,150]); INSERT INTO visit VALUES (5,['FR', null,'US','Eng'], [16,12,23,10],[210,250,110,260]); visit | project *, array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration) ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country─────────────────┬─hit───────────┬─duration──────────┬─kql_array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration)────────────────┐ │ 2 │ ['Japan','Gem','FR','Eng'] │ [31,22,33,10] │ [510,410,310,210] │ (['Eng','FR','Gem','Japan'],[10,33,22,31],[210,310,410,510]) │ └────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country─────────────┬─hit───────────┬─duration──────────┬─kql_array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration)────────────┐ │ 1 │ ['CA','US','FR','Eng'] │ [11,16,12,20] │ [100,500,300,200] │ (['CA','Eng','FR','US'],[11,20,12,16],[100,200,300,500]) │ └────────┴────────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country──────────────┬─hit────────┬─duration──────────┬─kql_array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration)──────────┐ │ 4 │ ['CA','Gem',NULL,'Eng'] │ [5,10,3,2] │ [220,320,310,150] │ (['CA','Eng','Gem',NULL],[5,2,10,3],[220,150,320,310]) │ └────────┴─────────────────────────┴────────────┴───────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country─────────────────┬─hit───────────┬─duration──────┬─kql_array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration)─────┐ │ 3 │ ['CA','Gem','Japan','Eng'] │ [25,10,23,11] │ [120,110,130] │ (['CA','Eng','Gem','Japan'],[25,11,10,23],[NULL]) │ └────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country─────────────┬─hit───────────┬─duration──────────┬─kql_array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration)────────────┐ │ 5 │ ['FR',NULL,'US','Eng'] │ [16,12,23,10] │ [210,250,110,260] │ (['Eng','FR','US',NULL],[10,16,23,12],[260,210,110,250]) │ └────────┴────────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ visit | where isnull((array_sort_asc(ip_country, hit, duration))[2][0]) ┌─pageid─┬─ip_country─────────────────┬─hit───────────┬─duration──────┐ │ 3 │ ['CA','Gem','Japan','Eng'] │ [25,10,23,11] │ [120,110,130] │ └────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘
the following behavious are same as Azure Data Explorer
if no alias specified, the functions return a single tuple includes arrays. can use array sbscripon to access the element inside. for exapmple:print array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, 3]), dynamic([20, 40, 30]), dynamic([100, 200]))[0] -> [1,2,3]
if a signle alias is used the firt array as an column is returned :
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, 3]), dynamic([20, 40, 30]), dynamic([100, 200])) ┌─t───────┐ │ [1,2,3] │ └─────────┘
if a n aliasies are used the first n arrays as columns are returned :
print 5, (t,w) = array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, 3]), dynamic([20, 40, 30]), dynamic([100, 200])) ┌─5─┬─t───────┬─w──────────┐ │ 5 │ [1,2,3] │ [40,20,30] │ └───┴─────────┴────────────┘
New Functions
- case
Customers | extend t = case(Age <= 10, "A", Age <= 20, "B", Age <= 30, "C", "D");
Bug fixed
summarize crash if aggregation function is missing
fixed with throw exception: Exception on client: Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error near keyword "by". (SYNTAX_ERROR)