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Configure your tutorial with TutorialOptions

Vadim Halimendik edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 6 revisions

TutorialOptions class that holds all settings of your tutorial. It's required for creating of a new instance of TutorialFragment or TutorialSupportFragment. Next sample shows you how to create a new instance of TutorialOptions class:

final TutorialOptions tutorialOptions = TutorialFragment.newTutorialOptionsBuilder(context)

If you're using support fragments, you should call TutorialSupportFragment.newTutorialOptionsBuilder(Context) instead.

final TutorialOptions tutorialOptions = TutorialSupportFragment.newTutorialOptionsBuilder(context)

Note: both methods return the same type TutorialOptions. But if you try to create an instance of TutorialSupportFragment with TutorialOptions configured for default Fragment class this will lead to crash. This rule applies to case when you will try to create an instance of TutorialFragment with TutorialOptions configured for support Fragment class.

Method Required Description
setPagesCount Yes Set the count of pages in your tutorial
setPagesColors No 1 Set an array of colors for every page. The size of an array must be equals or greater than pages count.
setUseAutoRemoveTutorialFragment No If you pass true as an argument, two things will happen:

  1. An empty fragment will be added to your tutorial.
  2. Once user navigates to this fragment, whole TutorialFragment will be removed from screen.

This allows you to build tutorials that smoothly change its content to your app's content displayed behind the tutorial.
setUseInfiniteScroll No If you pass true as an argument, tutorial pages will be displayed in the infinite loop. This method ignores setUseAutoRemoveTutorialFragment option.
setIndicatorOptions No 2 Set a custom indicator options. See Configuring Page Indicator for more details.
setTutorialPageProvider Yes Set a custom tutorial pages provider. See Configuring Pages for more details.
setOnSkipClickListener No Set a click listener for Skip button.
setPageTransformer No Set a custom instance of PageTransformer class. Sliding Tutorial library built on top of ViewPager. If you want to specify your custom page transformer, pass it here.
setNoRollBack No If you want to avoid scrolling back set this flag false

1 - if you will not specify an array of colors then transparent color will be used by default.

2 - if you will not specify an indicator options then default options will be used: a circle indicator with size of elements and spaces of 4dp.