This repository contains the reproducibility package for the paper "Automatic detection of code smells using metrics and CodeT5 embeddings: a case study in C#".
A dataset containing code snippets from C# projects, annotated for the presence of Long Method and Large Class code smells:
We prepare our experiment by dividing the dataset into the training (80%) and test (20%) datasets via a stratified random sampling strategy (Jupyter notebooks and and save the train and test portions to the pickle files.
A detailed description of the dataset, its collection, and annotation procedure is presented in the paper Luburić, N., Prokić, S., Grujić, K.G., Slivka, J., Kovačević, A., Sladić, G. and Vidaković, D., 2021. Towards a systematic approach to manual annotation of code smells.
Jupyter notebooks evaluating the performance of metric-based code smell detection heuristics on our dataset:
Jupyter notebooks evaluating the performance of the ML classifier trained using source code metrics as features:
Jupyter notebooks evaluating the performance of the ML classifier trained using CodeT5 neural source code embeddings as features:
The embedding representation is available as Python pickle DataFrames:
We provide the details of analyzing the errors our best model (the ML classifier trained using source code metrics as features) makes on the test set: