Visono aims to provide users with a visual dimension to a traditionally aural ex- perience. This is done by presenting users with a simple and intuitive user interface, connecting them directly to our powerful visualization algorithms that will capture the essence of the user's favorite audio tracks, and transform them into a stunning display of light, color, and sound.
app.js --> app config
package.json --> for npm
public/ --> all of the files to be used in on the client side
bootstrap/ --> all bootstrap files
css/ --> css files
app.css --> default stylesheet
img/ --> image files
js/ --> javascript files
app.js --> declare top-level app module
controllers.js --> application controllers
directives.js --> custom angular directives
filters.js --> custom angular filters
services.js --> custom angular services
lib/ --> angular and 3rd party JavaScript libraries
angular.js --> the latest angular js
angular.min.js --> the latest minified angular js
angular-*.js --> angular add-on modules
version.txt --> version number
api.js --> route for serving JSON
index.js --> route for serving HTML pages and partials
index.html --> main page for app
partials/ --> angular view partials (partial html templates)