On this repository I will share education material explaining basic hydrological concepts:
- Knowledge clips
- Webapps (interactive figures)
- ...
Water 1 and Water 2 are first-year BSc courses on water sciences at Wageningen University. Water 1 is compulsory for all students from 5 BSc programmes and Water 2 for the 3 international programmes listed below:
- Soil, water, atmosphere (International)
- International land and water management (International)
- Environmental sciences (International)
- Forest and nature conservation (Dutch)
- Landscape architecture and spatial planning (Dutch)
Water 1 and Water 2 cover the basics of hydrology and water quality.
- Wageningen University
- The course Water 1
- The course Water 2
- MSc programme Earth and Environment
Hydrology and Environmental Hydraulics Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands