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Upgrade to version 2.0
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- Upgrade the user interface

- Use the typer library for a great look

- Add a method for validation

- Restructure the code organization

- Add Code Refactorings and improvements
  • Loading branch information
ClarkCodes committed Jun 12, 2023
1 parent 85398dc commit 8f97bb3
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 55 deletions.
161 changes: 106 additions & 55 deletions Utilities/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,76 +1,127 @@
# Copyright 2023 ClarkCodes
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Copyright 2023 ClarkCodes
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Descripción: Utilidad de red escrita en Python para escanear y detectar dispositivos
# en un segmento de red indicado con nmap, obtener direcciones ip, direcciones mac y
# sus puertos abiertos.
# Author: Clark - ClarkCodes

# Author: Clark - @ClarkCodes
# Versión: 2.0

# Imports
import nmap
import typer
from rich import print
from rich.table import Table
from rich import box
from rich.progress import Progress, SpinnerColumn, TextColumn

# Constantes
SEPARATOR = "********************************************"

# Predefined
separator = "********************************************"
# Global Variables
dev_Scanner = nmap.PortScanner()

# Functions
def printFoundHosts( allHostsList : list[str] ):
if len( allHostsList ) > 0:
print( "\n*--- Dispositivos encontrados:\n" )
def printFoundHosts( all_hosts_list : list[str] ):
if len( all_hosts_list ) > 0:
print( "[yellow]*--- Dispositivos encontrados:\n" )

for i, host in enumerate( allHostsList ):
print( separator )
print( f"*** Dispositivo #{ i + 1 } ***" )
print( f"Nombre: { devScanner[host].hostname() }" )
print( f"Dirección Ip: { host }" )
for i, host in enumerate( all_hosts_list ):
print( SEPARATOR )
found_device_table = Table( f"[green]Parámetro", "[green]Datos", title = f"[bold][green]*** Dispositivo #{ i + 1 } ***", title_justify = "center", box = box.ROUNDED )
found_device_table.add_row( f"Nombre:", f"{dev_Scanner[host].hostname()}" )
found_device_table.add_row( f"Dirección Ip:", f"{host}" )

if 'mac' in devScanner[host]['addresses']:
print( f"Dirección MAC: { devScanner[host]['addresses']['mac'] }" )
if 'mac' in dev_Scanner[host]['addresses']:
found_device_table.add_row( f"Dirección MAC:", f"{dev_Scanner[host]['addresses']['mac']}" )

print( f"Estado: { devScanner[host].state() }" )
found_device_table.add_row( f"Estado:", f"{dev_Scanner[host].state()}" )

protocolsList = devScanner[host].all_protocols()
print( "" )
print( found_device_table )

if len( protocolsList ) > 0:
print( "\n* Protocolos *" )
protocols_list = dev_Scanner[host].all_protocols()

for proto in devScanner[host].all_protocols():
print( f"\tProtocolo: { proto }" )
lport = devScanner[host][proto].keys()
if len( protocols_list ) > 0:
protocols_table = Table( f"[green]Parámetro", "[green]Datos", title = "[bold][green]* Protocolos *", title_justify = "center", box = box.ROUNDED )

for proto in dev_Scanner[host].all_protocols():
protocols_table.add_row( f"Protocolo:", f"{proto}" )

lport = dev_Scanner[host][proto].keys()
for port in lport:
print ( f"\t\tPuerto: { port }\tEstado: { devScanner[host][proto][port]['state'] }" )

print( separator )
print( "\nNo se encontraron dispositivos en el segmento de red indicado." )

protocols_table.add_row( f"Puerto:", f"{port}" )
protocols_table.add_row( f"Estado:", f"{dev_Scanner[host][proto][port]['state']}" )

### Script Body Code
print( "\n*** Clark's Network Devices Scanner ***\n" )
print( "" )
print( protocols_table )

devScanner = nmap.PortScanner()

ip = input( "Ingrese el Rango Ip: " )

print( "\nBuscando dispositivos presentes en la red del rango Ip indicado: ", ip )
print( "Un momento por favor, en breve se mostrará el resultado.\nDetectando..." )

devScanner.scan( ip )

printFoundHosts( devScanner.all_hosts() )

# Fin del Script - Mensaje de Despedida
print( "\nGracias por usar este Script, es todo por ahora, hasta pronto, bye. :)" )
print( "@ClarkCodes(en todas las redes sociales).\n\n" )
print( f"[yellow]{SEPARATOR}" )
print( "[bright_black]\nNo se encontraron dispositivos en el segmento de red indicado." )

def is_ip_range_valid( ip_range : str ):
dots_counter = ip_range.count( '.' )

if( dots_counter != 3 ):
return False

segments_list = ip_range.split( '.' )

for index, segment in enumerate( segments_list ):
if( ( index < 3 or ( index == 3 and segment.find( '/' ) == -1 ) ) ):
number = int( segment )

if( number < 0 or number > 255 ):
return False

return True

# Función Principal
def main():
print( "[bold green]\n*** Clark's Network Devices Scanner ***" )

while True: # Bucle para Repetir el Menú hasta que el usuario decida salir.
print( "\n[bright_cyan]* Lobby de Opciones *[/bright_cyan]\nIngrese un rango ip para escanear la red o ingrese 'q' para salir." )

user_input = input( "\nIngrese el Rango Ip: " )

if( user_input == 'q' or user_input == 'Q' ): # Condición de Salida
print( "[green]\n✅ Esto ha sido todo por hoy.\n❤ Muchas gracias por ejecutar este Script, hasta la próxima...💻 Happy Coding!,👋🏼 bye :D\n😎 Clark." )

if( not is_ip_range_valid( user_input ) ):
raise ValueError

print( "" )
with Progress( SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn( "[yellow][progress.description]{task.description}" ), transient = True ) as progress:
progress.add_task( description="[light_sky_blue1]Buscando dispositivos presentes en la red dentro del rango Ip indicado... Un momento por favor...", total = None )

dev_Scanner.scan( user_input )
printFoundHosts( dev_Scanner.all_hosts() )

except ValueError:
print( "\n❌ La estructura del rango ip no es válida, verifique nuevamente." )
except Exception as ex:
print( "\n❌ Oops... algo no ha salido bien, revise nuevamente por favor." )
print( "Message Error: ", ex )

# Llamada a la Función Principal usando typer
if __name__ == "__main__": main )

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