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drjawa edited this page Dec 27, 2014 · 23 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Making the Nether Factory
  3. [Making the Aspect Factory](#making the aspect factory)
  4. Total Cost for Making 8 of each Aspect
  5. Cost Scaling Formula
  6. Building the Nether Factory
  7. Controlling Nether Factory Access
  8. Limited Access
  9. Tickets and Passes
  10. Public Access
  11. Basic of Nether Factory Travel


The nether factory allows transportation of a player to the nether. Traveling through the nether allows for much faster travel compared to the overworld since traveling 1000 blocks within the nether is comparable to traveling 8000 blocks within the overworld (1:8 Ratio).

Making the Nether Factory

The nether factory is an end game tech and requires many expensive parts, called aspects for its construction. These aspects are produced in the aspect factory.

Warning: It is possible to reinforce blocks with Aspects of Terra, which will return a normal diamond. Only have Aspects of Terra in your inventory for when you are going to build the nether factory.

Additionally, the nether factory is very expensive to produce and it is highly recommended to secure it properly within a vault to prevent it from being stolen (TODO: Link to main factorymod page section that explains recovering destroyed factories and how this allows stealing factories / JAWA IS A JERK) from someone else.

Making the Aspect Factory

Making the aspect factory is just like making any other factory. The materials needed for construction are in the following table and can also be found in the factory list.

Materials Required for Construction Amount
Nether Brick 1536
Redstone (Dust) 1152
Nether Quartz 576

The aspect factory Produces three types of aspects (Terra, End, and Nether). The default cost for making a nether factory is 8 of each aspect. See TODO COST Scaling for more information on cost/jawa is a jerk.

Recipe Materials Required Charcoal Needed
1 Aspect of Terra 24 Emerald Block, 24 Diamond Blocks, 8 Gold Ore, 8 Slime Ball, and 8 Anvil 32 Charcoal
1 Aspect of End 256 Ender Pearl, 256 Ender Chests, and 1024 End Stone 26 Charcoal
1 Aspect of Nether 16 Ghast Tears, 512 Nether Quartz Ore, and 512 Glowstone 26 Charcoal

Total Cost for Making 8 of each Aspect

The total default cost of making 8 of each type of Aspect (Terra, End, and Nether) is as follows:

Note: The amount of stacks of that item is provided for convenience in the third column.

Material Total amount of Item Needed for 8 Aspects # of Stacks (Provided for Convenience)
Emerald Block 192 3 stacks
Ender Chest 2048 32 stacks
Diamond Block 192 3 stacks
Glowstone 4096 64 stacks
Ender Pearl 2048 128 stacks
Gold Ore 64 1 stack
Netherquartz Ore 4096 64 stacks
Endstone 8192 128 stacks
Slimeball 64 1 stack
Ghast Tear 128 2 stacks
Iron Block 256 4 stacks

Cost Scaling Formula

TODO: Jawa is a jerk/this might change so remind me

Building the Nether Factory

  1. Put 8 of each Aspect in a factory.
  2. Within 64 blocks vertically from the crafting table, place an obsidian block with a block of coal either directly over or below it. You don't need the coal once the factory is completed.
  3. With a stick, hit the crafting table to create the factory. Hit the crafting table again to change to the teleport recipe, which is free and runs indefinitely.
  4. Hit the obsidian with a stick while standing on it and you will be teleported to the nether.

Controlling Nether Factory Access

Nether factory access can be restricted to members of a citadel group, require tickets (One time use) and/or passes (Unlimited use), or made accessible to everyone.

Limited Access

Reinforcing the nether factory crafting table with /ctr group-name will limit use of the teleportation pad to members of the citadel group. For more information on Citadel see Citadel: Group Reinforcement and Citadel: Group Ranks and Adding People to Groups.

Tickets and Passes

Tickets are one time use items that are consumed when clicking the teleportation pad with it, meaning that two tickets are required for a trip into and subsequently out of the nether. Passes are unlimited use unless the owner of the nether factory changes it.

Tickets and passes are both security noteswhich can be produced with the printing press.

Setting up Tickets: Place a quantity of two (2) or more of these securities notes into the factory chest, the Nether Factory becomes set for one-time use. Which means that a player holding such a note in hand and left-clicking the teleport block with it will teleport and the note will immediately disappear from the player's inventory (or its count decrease by one if several of them are present) after teleporting occurs.

Setting up Passes: Put a single type of security note into the factory chest. Any security notes of that type will work as unlimited use passes.

Note: By putting two of one type of security note in the factory chest and one of an another type if security note will allow both tickets and passes, so you could sell tickets for one price and passes for a more significant amount.

Public Access

To make the nether factory accessible to anyone use /ctpublic on the nether factory crafting table.

Basic of Nether Factory Travel

  • Ridable entities (Horses, pigs, minecarts, and the like) can't teleport.
  • Pearls cannot be brought into the nether, but they can be brought out of the nether.
  • Creating the nether factory in the overworld also creates a teleportation block (An obsidian block) in the nether. It will find an empty y-level in the nether and put it there this isn't quite controllable.
  • Teleport pad must be obsidian
  • Destroying and replacing the teleporter pad does not damage the factory
  • Teleport pad is self-cleaning to an extent. It will automatically vaporize any blocks three blocks above it every time someone enters. If you want people to die when they arrive for some reason you can have water or lava immediately flow in again from the side, or a cobblestone generator. There are probably evil uses for this property but it would be very expensive.
  • Nothing grows in the nether except for Nether Wart.
  • Repairing the nether factory is the same as repairing any other factory. One diamond block will repair a nether factory to 100%. TODO: DEGRADATION RATE JAWA IS A JERK
  • If the nether factory uses tickets, then you will need two tickets for a round trip (for getting in and out of the nether) as tickets are a onetime use item.
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