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- What is FactoryMod?
- Summary of Current Iteration
- Tutorial
- Description of a Factory
- Description of a Recipe
- Crafting Control
- Redstone Control
- Printing Presses
- Nether Factories
- Reset Factory
- General Compactor
- XP Generation
- Enchantment
- List of Current Factories and Recipes
##What is FactoryMod?
FactoryMod is a serverside minecraft mod that enables the creation of specialized crafting machines that can consume and produce any goods or enchantments desired. It is motivated by a desire to complexify the Minecraft technology tree. It adds the following elements to Minecraft gameplay:
- A form of Capital Goods where communal investment in a factory can benefit an entire community.
- Permanence of capital in factories since they cannot be moved. This creates a substantial cost for people to move away from each other, forcing cooperation (or subjugation) between neighbors.
- A custom tech tree which can also be dynamically modified, making it so that high level technologies can be made extremely hard to get.
- An endgame resource sink since factories require repairing to keep functional.
- The possibility of using alternatives to XP for enchanting.
##Summary of FactoryMod Configuration 2.0
A factory and recipe list can be found here. It contains the following features.
- There are efficient factories for stone, charcoal, iron, gold and diamond production.
- There are efficient factories for all iron, gold and diamond tools and armor. Gold factories produce items with unbreaking III and a variety of other enchantments of a more utilitarian variety, search the config for detailed information.
- There is an efficient factory for crafted foods and one for cooked meat.
- There are factories for the efficient dyeing of natural wool, glass and clay colors.
- There are efficient factories for producing Redstone mechanism
Click here for more details.
###Here is a video tutorial of the mod. The in game mechanics remain the same, but the factories and recipes may have changed, so look here for that information.
- Place a furnace, crafting table and chest in a line like above (the chest and furnace positions may be switched).
- Insert the exact amount of materials required for the factory into the chest, shown in the factory list.
- Use left click the crafting table while holding the stick. By poking it you have created a factory.
- Left click on the crafting table with a stick to cycle through the recipes available to the factory.
- Left click on the chest while holding a stick to see a summary of the currently selected recipe.
- Place the required materials for the recipe into the chest.
- Fill up the furnace with the fuel the factory requires.
- Left click the furnace while holding a stick to turn on the factory.
- Wait for your wonderfully manufactured goods to be produced and placed in the chest. If you want to cancel production left click the furnace while holding a stick, if you want to check on the status of production left click on the chest holding a stick.
Factories are constructed by placing a chest, a crafting table and a furnace sequentially, placing the exact number of items needed to build the factory into the chest, and then left clicking the crafting table with a stick. A factory will have several base recipes, including a repair recipe.
It is possible that they will have upgrade recipes, although Civcraft's current configuration does not have any. Upgrade recipes upgrade the factory by enabling additional recipes to be produced.
A factory requires fuel to be placed in its furnace before it can run. Each factory requires a single type of fuel to operate. Most factories require charcoal to operate and will consume one charcoal every 2 seconds. ###Factory Destruction and Permissions When any of the three blocks which make up the factory are destroyed the factory becomes nonfunctional, however even after all three of the blocks have been removed the factory remembers its location and can be rebuilt by placing the appropriate blocks in their original positions. Use of a factory is restricted to individuals who have citadel permissions to the blocks they are interacting with. In order to take control of someone else's factory the blocks composing the factory must be broken and replaced with blocks reinforced by you; this in effect transfers ownership of the factory. ###Factory Repair and Removal Factories can break down over time becoming nonfunctional and eventually disappearing altogether. A factory starts at 100% health and degrades over time (currently over the course of 28 days) to 0% health. Upon reaching 0% health the factory becomes nonfunctional and will be removed in 14 days unless it is repaired. Each factory has a repair recipe which will repair the factory (typically repairing a factory from 0-100% costs approximately 1/10th the original cost of the factory). Destroying any one of the blocks of a factory will immediately reduce its health to 0%, requiring that the block be replaced and the factory repaired within 14 days or it will be removed. ###Redstone Control of Factories Factories can be setup so that they can be controlled via a redstone input, see this page for more information.
Items consumed upon completion of the recipe, excess can exist in the chest and the recipe will still function. Left clicking on the furnace will tell you what additional items are needed in the chest to use that recipe, if everything is in the chest the recipe will start.
Items consumed to repair the factory one unit, when a recipe with repairs is used as many multiples as possible of the repair materials will be consumed to repair the factory as much as possible to 100% health.
Items produced by the recipe.
Enchantments are added to all of the upgrades and outputs where appropriate. Each particular type and level of an enchantment has a particular probability. The probability that any two enchantments are applied is independent.
Vanilla crafting recipes can be disabled and new crafting recipes can be enabled via the config file.
- Exp Bottle to Emerald (3x3 grid of Exp Bottles for 1 Emerald)
- Emerald to Exp Bottle (1 Emerald for 9 Exp Bottles)
- (Soon) Double Stone Slabs
Factories can be controlled with redstone. See Redstone Control.
##Printing Presses
Printing Presses are a unique type of factory which allows for mass produced and watermarked books and phamphlets. Read here for more details
##Nether Factories The nether factory allows transportation of a player to the nether. Read here for more details
##General Compactors The compactor allows compression and decompression of materials for easier transportation (turning whole stacks into a single lored item). Read here for more details
##Reset Factories The reset factory allows the resetting of the Minecraft repair counter for tools, weapons, and armor. Starting with Minecraft 1.8 the cost to repair items began to scale exponentially, quickly making tools irreparable. The repair factory allows these tool repair counters to be reset, such that repairing on the anvil is again possible. It does not actually repair tool damage, in spite of the name. Read here for more details
##Factory List
As a result of 1.8 and various other server load configuration tweaks, high-level recipes leveraging mob drops have been phased out in preference to recipes that are predominantly renewable.
In addition, an entirely new tier of XP Generation was added to meet the demands created by entirely new Enchanting recipes, also due to changes in game mechanics of Minecraft 1.8.
For ease of reference and organization, the XP Generation topic is now its own page, focused solely on XP production recipes.
Enchantment Factories for Equipment: 1.8 completely rewrote the rules on anvil and enchanting tables. In an effort to keep costs experience related (and not involve the lapis cost), enchantment tables are disabled and a brand new set of factories are the only means to enchant tools, weapons, and armor.
Mad Scientist Laboratory - 512 glass bottles, 16 pig eggs, 16 squid eggs, 16 horse eggs, 16 villager eggs, 1 silk touch enchantment book
Burns emeralds instead of charcoal - magic required.
16 Pigman eggs for 16 Villager eggs, 16 Pig eggs
8 Zombie eggs for 16 Villager eggs, 512 Rotten flesh
8 Skeleton eggs for 16 Zombie eggs, 256 bones, 64 blaze powder
8 Creeper eggs for 16 Skeleton eggs, 32 Blaze powder, 16 TNT, 32 Lime wool
4 Witch eggs for 16 Villager eggs, 16 Ghasts' tears
4 Spider eggs for 16 Squid eggs, 16 Cow eggs, 256 Spider eyes
8 Cave spider eggs for 16 Spider eggs, 128 Poisonous potatoes, 256 Spider eyes
4 Ghast eggs for 8 Ghast Tears, 64 Fire Charges, 4 Dispensers, 256 White Carpets, 4 Furnaces, 256 Charcoal, 4 Villager Eggs
Charcoal Burner - 768 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Oak Wood using 12 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Spruce Wood using 12 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Birch Wood using 12 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Jungle Wood using 12 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Acacia Wood using 12 Charcoal
512 Charcoal for 256 Coal using 12 Charcoal
128 Coal for 1024 Charcoal using 24 Charcoal
Sand Smelter - 2048 Sand, 256 Charcoal
768 Glass for 256 Sand using 24 Charcoal
384 Sandstone for 512 Sand using 16 Charcoal
768 Glass panes for 192 Glass using 16 Charcoal
768 Glass bottles for 256 Sand using 32 Charcoal
64 Red Sand for 64 Sand using 8 Charcoal
384 Red Sandstone for 512 Sand using 16 Charcoal
756 Glass for 512 Sandstone using 3 Charcoal
Ore Smelter - 1024 Coal, 256 Iron Ingot, 128 Gold Ingot, 1024 Redstone Dust
384 Coal for 128 Coal Ore using 6 Charcoal
640 Redstone Dust for 64 Redstone Ore using 8 Charcoal
256 Iron Ingot for 128 Iron Ore using 6 Charcoal
384 Gold Ingot for 32 Gold Ore using 4 Charcoal
1 Base for 16 Diamond Ore, 32 Redstone Ore using 1 Charcoal
Gem Extractor - 1024 Lapis Lazuli, 160 Diamonds, 384 Netherquartz
640 Lapis Lazuli for 32 Lapis Ore using 8 Charcoal
640 Netherquartz for 128 Netherquartz Ore using 3 Charcoal
96 Diamond for 32 Diamond Ore using 2 Charcoal
4 Walls for 8 Lapis Ore, 32 Cracked Stone Brick using 1 Charcoal
Industrial Ore Refinery - 128 Lapis Blocks, 576 Quartz, 96 Diamond Blocks, 576 Coal Blocks, 256 Iron Blocks, 128 Gold Blocks, 256 Redstone Blocks
Burns Coal Blocks Instead of Charcoal!
100 Diamond Blocks for 256 Diamond Ore using 8 Coal Blocks
420 Lapis Blocks for 128 Lapis Ore using 4 Coal Blocks
1536 Quartz for 256 Quartz Ore using 4 Coal Blocks
336 Coal Blocks for 768 Coal Ore using 4 Coal Blocks
400 Redstone Blocks for 256 Redstone Ore using 4 Coal Blocks
234 Iron Blocks for 768 Iron Ore using 8 Coal Blocks
228 Gold Blocks for 128 Gold Ore using 4 Coal Blocks
1 Base for 16 Diamond Ore, 32 Redstone Ore using 1 Charcoal
4 Walls for 8 Lapis Ore, 32 Cracked Stone Brick using 1 Charcoal
Kiln - 1280 Clay Blocks, 256 Charcoal
1024 Hardened Clay for 512 Clay Blocks using 16 Charcoal
1024 Brick items for 128 Clay Blocks using 16 Charcoal
64 Flowerpot for 16 Clay Blocks using 2 Charcoal
256 Brick Blocks for 128 Clay Blocks using 2 Charcoal
Netherbrick Factory - 2048 Netherrack, 256 Charcoal
256 Netherbrick Blocks for 512 Netherrack using 16 Charcoal
Stone Brick Smelter - 2560 Stone Brick, 256 Lapis Lazuli, 256 Netherquartz, 256 Prismarine Shards
64 Cracked Stone Brick for 64 Stone Brick, 32 Lapis Lazuli, 64 Flint using 32 Charcoal
64 Mossy Stone Brick for 64 Stone Brick, 32 Lapis Lazuli, 64 Vine using 32 Charcoal
64 Chiseled Stone Brick for 64 Stone Brick, 32 Lapis Lazuli, 64 Gravel using 32 Charcoal
1 Flooring for 64 Nether Brick, 8 Clay Block using 1 Charcoal
64 Prismarine for 128 Prismarine Shard
64 Dark Prismarine for 256 Prismarine, 32 Ink Sacs
64 Prismarine Bricks for 288 Prismarine Shard
16 Sea Lantern for 32 Prismarine Shard, 64 Prismarine Crystals
512 Granite for 1728 Cobblestone, 64 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
576 Diorite for 1728 Cobblestone, 32 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
512 Andesite for 1728 Cobblestone, 32 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
854 Stone for 640 Cobblestone using 40 Charcoal
Stone Smelter - 2048 Stone
854 Stone for 640 Cobblestone using 40 Charcoal
Igneous Stone smelter - 1 "Admincrimes only" lored Bedrock
NOTE: It is not possible to set up OR repair any of existing ones of these anymore due to the Bedrock!
512 Granite for 1728 Cobblestone, 64 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
576 Diorite for 1728 Cobblestone, 32 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
512 Andesite for 1728 Cobblestone, 32 Netherquartz using 16 Charcoal
Printing Press - 256 Redstone, 20 Pistons, 64 Netherquartz, 60 Iron Block, 20 Gold Pressure Plate
Variable-cost recipes based on input items:
* Set plates
* Print books
* Print pamphlets
* Print security notes
Basic Redstone Mechanism Factory - 960 Redstone, 576 Stone, 256 Netherquartz, 512 Sticks, 128 Glass
256 Redstone Torches for 128 Redstone, 128 Sticks for 1 Charcoal
96 Redstone Repeaters for 128 Redstone, 128 Stone for 1 Charcoal
32 Comparators for 32 Redstone, 128 Stone, 24 Netherquartz for 1 Charcoal
32 Daylight Sensor for 8 Chests, 64 Netherquartz, 64 Glass for 1 Charcoal
Advanced Redstone Mechanism Factory - 960 Redstone, 256 Glowstone, 72 Chests, 576 Iron Ingot, 64 Slimeball, 64 Diamond
64 Noteblocks for 32 Redstone, 48 Chests for 1 Charcoal
64 Dispensers for 32 Redstone, 320 Cobblestone, 128 String, 4 Chests for 1 Charcoal
128 Redstone Lamps for 256 Redstone, 128 Glowstone for 1 Charcoal
128 Pistons for 48 Redstone, 320 Cobblestone, 128 Iron Ingot, 32 Chests for 1 Charcoal
32 Sticky Pistons for 12 Redstone, 32 Iron Ingot, 8 Chests, 16 Slimeballs for 1 Charcoal
64 Hoppers for 32 Chests, 192 Iron ingots, using 1 Charcoal
64 Jukeboxes for 32 Chests, 48 diamonds, using 8 Charcoal
Bakery - 512 Baked Potato, 1024 Cookie, 256 Bread, 192 Pumpkin Pie
384 Baked Potato for 192 Potato using 12 Charcoal
2048 Cookie for 256 Wheat, 128 Cocoa using 12 Charcoal
256 Bread for 384 Wheat using 12 Charcoal
24 Cake, 18 Bucket for 36 Sugar, 13 Egg, 54 Wheat, 18 Milk Bucket using 12 Charcoal
256 Pumpkin Pie for 192 Sugar, 192 Eggs, 192 Pumpkin using 12 Charcoal
Grill - 192 Cooked Chicken, 16 Cooked Fish, 16 Cooked Salmon, 160 Grilled Pork, 64 Cooked Beef
128 Cooked Chicken for 64 Raw Chicken using 3 Charcoal
256 Cooked Fish for 64 Raw Fish using 3 Charcoal
128 Grilled Pork for 64 Pork using 3 Charcoal
128 Cooked Beef for 64 Raw Beef using 3 Charcoal
512 Cooked Salmon for 64 Raw salmon using 3 Charcoal
32 Rations for 256 Wheat, 32 Bowls using 1 Charcoal
Diamond Axe Smithy - 64 Diamond
30 Diamond Axe for 15 Diamond using 8 Charcoal
Diamond Boots Smithy - 160 Diamond
15 Diamond Boots for 20 Diamond using 10 Charcoal
Diamond Chestplate Smithy - 320 Diamond
15 Diamond Chestplate for 40 Diamond using 20 Charcoal
Diamond Helmet Smithy - 192 Diamond
15 Diamond Helmet for 25 Diamond using 13 Charcoal
Diamond Hoe Smithy - 32 Diamond
30 Diamond Hoe for 10 Diamond using 5 Charcoal
Diamond Leggings Smithy - 256 Diamond
15 Diamond Leggings for 35 Diamond using 18 Charcoal
Diamond Pickaxe Smithy - 96 Diamond
15 Diamond Pickaxe for 15 Diamond using 8 Charcoal
Diamond Spade Smithy - 48 Diamond
15 Diamond Spade for 5 Diamond using 3 Charcoal
Diamond Sword Smithy - 80 Diamond
15 Diamond Sword for 10 Diamond using 5 Charcoal
Gold Axe Smithy - 64 Gold Ingot
30 Gold Axe for 15 Gold Ingot using 8 Charcoal
Gold Boots Smithy - 160 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Boots for 20 Gold Ingot using 10 Charcoal
Gold Chestplate Smithy - 320 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Chestplate for 40 Gold Ingot using 20 Charcoal
Gold Helmet Smithy - 192 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Helmet for 25 Gold Ingot using 13 Charcoal
Gold Hoe Smithy - 32 Gold Ingot
30 Gold Hoe for 10 Gold Ingot using 5 Charcoal
Gold Leggings Smithy - 256 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Leggings for 35 Gold Ingot using 18 Charcoal
Gold Pickaxe Smithy - 96 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Pickaxe for 15 Gold Ingot using 8 Charcoal
Gold Spade Smithy - 48 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Spade for 5 Gold Ingot using 3 Charcoal
Gold Sword Smithy - 80 Gold Ingot
15 Gold Sword for 10 Gold Ingot using 5 Charcoal
Iron Axe Smithy - 64 Iron Ingot
30 Iron Axe for 15 Iron Ingot using 8 Charcoal
Iron Boots Smithy - 160 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Boots for 20 Iron Ingot using 10 Charcoal
Iron Chestplate Smithy - 320 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Chestplate for 40 Iron Ingot using 20 Charcoal
Iron Helmet Smithy - 192 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Helmet for 25 Iron Ingot using 13 Charcoal
Iron Hoe Smithy - 32 Iron Ingot
30 Iron Hoe for 10 Iron Ingot using 5 Charcoal
Iron Leggings Smithy - 256 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Leggings for 35 Iron Ingot using 18 Charcoal
Iron Pickaxe Smithy - 96 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Pickaxe for 15 Iron Ingot using 8 Charcoal
Iron Spade Smithy - 48 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Spade for 5 Iron Ingot using 3 Charcoal
Iron Sword Smithy - 80 Iron Ingot
15 Iron Sword for 10 Iron Ingot using 5 Charcoal
Animal husbandry -64 Iron block, 64 Hay Bales, 64 Golden Apples, 16 Slimeballs
8 Saddles for 64 White Wool, 64 Leather, 16 Diamonds using 10 Charcoal
1 Diamond Horse Armor for 64 Diamonds using 10 Charcoal
1 Iron Horse Armor for 64 Iron using 10 Charcoal
1 Gold Horse Armor for 64 Gold using 10 Charcoal
8 Leads for 16 String, 4 Slimeballs using 10 Charcoal
4 Donkey Double Chests for 8 Ender Chests, 4 Saddles using using 10 Charcoal
Carpentry factory - 384 Paper, 128 Chests, 128 Leather
256 Fences for 12 Chest using 8 Charcoal
24 boats for 8 chests using 8 Charcoal
64 Signs for 8 Chests using 8 Charcoal
256 Ladders for 8 Chests using 8 Charcoal
256 Trap doors for 48 Chests using 8 Charcoal
64 Item Frames for 48 Leather, 8 Chests using 16 Charcoal
64 bookshelves for 192 Paper, 48 Leather, 8 Chests using 16 Charcoal
54 Compactor Crates for 39 chests, 4 Iron Ingots using ? Charcoal
1 Framing for 64 Chests, 4 Iron Blocks using 1 Charcoal
864 Compactor Crates from Oak Logs for 1248 Oak Logs, 64 Iron using 22 Charcoal
Rail Factory - 320 Iron Ingot, 128 Stick, 192 Gold Ingot, 32 Redstone
576 Rail for 128 Iron Ingot, 16 Stick using 1 Charcoal
128 Powered Rail for 72 Gold Ingot, 8 Redstone, 8 Stick using 1 Charcoal
32 Detector Rail for 18 Iron ingot, 2 Redstone Dust using 1 Charcoal
32 Activator Rail for 18 Iron ingot, 2 Redstone Dust, 8 Sticks using 1 Charcoal
27 Minecarts 64 Iron Ingots using 1 Charcoal
Iron Forge - 1152 Iron Ingot
18 Shears for 18 Iron Ingot using 4 Charcoal
16 Anvils for 256 Iron Ingot using 32 Charcoal
64 Tripwire Hooks for 16 Iron Ingot using 8 Charcoal
64 Buckets for 96 Iron Ingot using 16 Charcoal
256 Iron Bars for 24 Iron Ingot using 16 Charcoal
18 Iron Doors for 18 Iron Ingot using 8 Charcoal
18 Flint and steel for 9 Iron Ingot using 4 Charcoal
1 Gearbox for 4 Iron Block and 8 Gold Ore
Explosives Factory - 384 Gunpowder, 384 Sand, 64 Blaze powder
64 TNT for 128 Gunpowder, 128 Sand using 64 Charcoal
32 Eyes of Ender for 32 Ender Pearl, 16 Blaze Powder
128 Fire Charges for 16 Gunpowder, 16 Blaze powder using 1 Charcoal
8 Silicon Tetranitratobihydrotrioxycarbon for 8 Gunpowder, 32 Quartz, 32 Podzol, 8 Coal Block, 2 Water Buckets using 1 Charcoal
Bio Lab - 512 Oak Saplings, 512 Grass Blocks
64 Spruce Saplings for 64 Oak Saplings using 32 Charcoal
64 Birch Saplings for 64 Oak Saplings using 32 Charcoal
64 Jungle Saplings for 64 Oak Saplings using 32 Charcoal
64 Acacia Saplings for 64 Oak Saplings using 32 Charcoal
64 Dark Oak Saplings for 64 Oak Saplings using 32 Charcoal
64 Grassless Dirt for 64 Grass Blocks using 8 Charcoal
64 Podzol for 64 Grass Blocks using 8 Charcoal
4 Sunflowers for 8 Dandelions and 8 Sugar Cane using 1 Charcoal
4 Lilacs for 8 Poppies and 8 Oak Saplings using 1 Charcoal
4 Double Tall Grass for 16 Grass using 1 Charcoal
4 Large Ferns for 16 Grass using 1 Charcoal
4 Allium for 8 Poppies and 8 Blue Orchid using 1 Charcoal
4 Rose Bushes for 8 Poppies and 8 Cactus using 1 Charcoal
4 Peonies for 8 Poppies and 8 Oak Leaves using 1 Charcoal
Crystallisation Factory - 2048 Ice, 256 Charcoal
576 Packed Ice for 576 Ice using 1 Charcoal
8 Pure Ice for 512 Compact Ice, 32 Leather using 1 Charcoal
Aspect Factory - 1536 Nether Brick, 1152 Redstone, 576 Nether Quartz
1 "Aspect of TERRA" for 24 Emerald Block, 24 Diamond Block, 8 Gold Ore, 8 Slime Balls, 8 Anvil using 32 Charcoal
1 "Aspect of END" for 256 Ender Pearl, 256 Ender Chests, 1024 End Stone using 26 Charcoal
1 "Aspect of NETHER" for 16 Ghast Tears, 512 Netner Quartz Ore, 512 Glowstone using 26 Charcoal
Stained Glass Processing - 20 of each of the following:Lapis Lazuli, Gray Dye, Cocoa, Purple Dye, Dandelion Yellow, Ink Sak, Magenta Dye, Pink Dye, Cyan Dye, Orange Dye, Cactus Green, Bone Meal, Light Gray Dye, Light Blue Dye, Rose Red, Lime Dye, Stained Glass(gray), Stained Glass Plane(Gray)
64 stained colored glass for 64 Stained glass panes, and 4 of the desired dye using 1 Charcoal
1 Objet D'art for 16 of each of the following: Lapis Lazuli, Gray Dye, Cocoa, Purple Dye, Dandelion Yellow, Ink Sak, Magenta Dye, Pink Dye, Cyan Dye, Orange Dye, Cactus Green, Bone Meal, Light Gray Dye, Light Blue Dye, Rose Red, Lime Dye; and 256 Red Sand using 1 Charcoal
Hardened Clay Processing - 20 of each of the following:Lapis Lazuli, Gray Dye, Cocoa, Purple Dye, Dandelion Yellow, Ink Sak, Magenta Dye, Pink Dye, Cyan Dye, Orange Dye, Cactus Green, Bone Meal, Light Gray Dye, Light Blue Dye, Rose Red, Lime Dye, Hardend Clay
64 Stained Clay for 64 Hardened Clay, and 4 of the desired dye using 1 Charcoal
Black Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 Black Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Gray Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Brown Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Cocoa using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Pink Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Pink Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 White Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Bone Meal using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Gray Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Light Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Rose Red Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 Black Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
Brown Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 Brown Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Gray Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Black Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Ink Sack using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Pink Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Pink Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 White Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Bone Meal using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Gray Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Light Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Rose Red using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 Brown Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
Gray Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 Gray Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Brown Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Cocoa using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Black Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Ink Sack using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Pink Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Pink Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 White Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Bone Meal using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Gray Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Light Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Rose Red Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 Gray Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
Light Gray Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 Light Gray Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Gray Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Brown Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Cocoa using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Black Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Ink Sack using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Pink Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Pink Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 White Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Bone Meal using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Rose Red Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 Light Gray Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
Pink Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 Pink Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Gray Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Brown Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Cocoa using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Black Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Ink Sack using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 White Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Bone Meal using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Gray Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Light Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Rose Red Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 Pink Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
White Wool Processing - 20 Lapis Lazuli, 20 Gray Dye, 20 Cocoa, 20 Purple Dye, 20 Yellow Dye, 20 Ink Sack, 20 Magenta Dye, 20 Pink Dye, 20 Cyan Dye, 20 Orange Dye, 20 Cactus Green, 20 Bone Meal, 20 Light Gray Dye, 20 Light Blue Dye, 20 Rose Red Dye, 20 Lime Dye, 20 White Wool
64 Blue Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Lapis Lazuli using 1 Charcoal
64 Gray Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Brown Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Cocoa using 1 Charcoal
64 Purple Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Purple Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Yellow Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Yellow Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Black Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Ink Sack using 1 Charcoal
64 Magenta Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Magenta Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Pink Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Pink Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Cyan Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Cyan Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Orange Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Orange Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Green Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Cactus Green using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Gray Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Light Gray Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Light Blue Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Light Blue Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Red Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Rose Red Dye using 1 Charcoal
64 Lime Wool for 64 White Wool, 4 Lime Dye using 1 Charcoal
Bastion Factory - 64 Silicon Tetranitratobihydrotrioxycarbon, 64 Smaragdus, 8 Flooring, 8 Framing, 8, Gearbox, 8 Base, 32 walls
32 Bastions for 16 Silicon Tetranitratobihydrotrioxycarbon, 2 Smaragdus, 16 Rations, 1 Flooring, 1 Framing, 1 Gearbox, 1 Base, 4 Walls, 1 Objet d'art using 1 Charcoal