1.13.0 (2023-11-09)
search: Add accessibility dropdown (df34a5d )
search: Add accessibility profile as an option to venue search params (ecab033 )
search: Add order venues by accessibility -option when filtering with accessibility (1b9f1a6 )
search: Sync the venue search ordering with the accessibility profile (6cadcf5 )
search: VenueOrderBy can be changed after accessibilityProfile selection (4299703 )
sports: Add target group filter feature flag, disable by default (6de478a )
sports: Filter venues by target groups' ontology tree IDs (2efb1ac )
sports: Show accessibility profile's shortcoming count in results (da8addd )
Bug Fixes
Dropdown border mobile (#533 ) (e36cbbc )
geolocation: Fix geolocation error notification, refactor code (f62b967 )
Hero ui tweaks (#527 ) (2d3d78b )
Order target groups in dropdown similarly as in target groups' page (299056a )
Rename "q" argument to "text" argument in unified & venue search (caa4a8d )
Rename orderedByAccessibilityShortcoming to accessibilityShortcomingFor (c43298c )
Show image with title not defined (#522 ) (1951ce5 )
tests: Fix SearchSelect test testing array value/defaultValue (25e7cd4 )
Update unified search query arguments (1db6474 )
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