Hemisphere Suite 1.2
This is a major release with several UI changes. Please pay special attention to the first four items:
- A major bug in the settings storage system has been fixed. If you have settings saved in Hemisphere Suite, you might need to set it up again after this release.
- Help system activation has been changed. For details, see https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/_Hemisphere-Basic-Instructions
- Master Clock Forwarding has been changed to the left encoder. For details, see Basic Instructions page above
- Category Filtering has been added. Again, please see the Basic Instructions.
- MIDI Out: Transpose, Legato, and event logging have been added
- Brancher: Fixed Master Clock Forwarding behavior
- Added Gate Delay applet (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/Gate-Delay)
- Added Compare applet (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/Compare)
- Added Burst Generator applet (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/Burst)
- Added Carpeggio (Cartesian Arpeggiator) applet (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/Carpeggio-Cartesian-Arpeggiator)
- Various other refinements
For the first time, I'm making binaries available for normal screen orientation, and 180-degree flipped orientation. Please don't download the wrong one!
Please note that this software is REPLACEMENT FIRMWARE for Ornament and Crime. All existing Ornament and Crime apps (except for References) will be removed, as will all data for these apps. Please see the Wiki (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki) for a list of what you get instead. You'll also find installation instructions here.