A fighting game game written in Odin for the WASM-4 fantasy console.
Play it here: https://wasm4.org/play/w4f/
W4F is a minimalistic fighting game based on the core gameplay of Virtua Fighter. Intended exclusively for multiplayer.
Left & Right: Movement Down: Crouch A = Guard B = Punch
You can hold down the attack button to attack the first frame you are able to act. Down+Punch, Stand+Punch, Forward+Punch are all different striking attacks. Punch+Guard executes a throw.
You can crouch under high punch, and throw.
Frame data and movelist for nerds:
impact, active, rec | grd, nh, ch | b.stun, h.stun, ch stun bonus
5P| i12, +1 active, 14 rec | +2, +5, +8 | +18, +21, +3 2P| i12, +0 active, 21 rec | -5, +4, +7 | +17, +26, +3 6P| i14, +1 act, 21 rec | -5, -2, +5 | +18, +21, +7
P+G| i10, +0 1ct, 24 rec | hit advantage: +1