A web application front end for BugEx, a tool that aims at helping developers understand a failure. Developed in the course of the Software Engineering lecture, summer term 2012, at the Software Engineering Chair, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
For further information, see http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/edu/se/2012/ and http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/bugex .
- Amir Baradaran
- Tim Krones
- Frederik Leonhardt
- Christos Monogios
- Akmal Qodirov
- Iliana Simova
- Peter Stahl
- Python (version 2.7.*) and Django (version 1.4).
- For the user registration captcha field we used django-simple-captcha (version 0.3.5). To install it follow these instructions. Please note that django-simple-captcha requires the python imaging library PIL (version 1.1.7) to be installed.
- MySQL server
- The python-mysql connector (install python-mysqldb via your prefered package manager)
The default configuration of BugExOnline uses the following data for accessing the MySQL database:
- User: bugex
- Password: bugex
- Database: bugexonline
You can change the credentials in /bugex_online/settings.py
- Download and extract the project archive.
- Navigate to the folder bugex_online (should contain a file named manage.py).
- To generate the required database tables, run the following command:
python manage.py syncdb
- All static files have to be collected into a common directory. This is necessary for deploying the project, i.e. having access to CSS, JavaScript and image files. To collect all static files into a directory named static, run the following command:
python manage.py collectstatic
- Start the Django development server:
python manage.py runserver
You’ll see the following output on the command line:
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4, using settings 'bugex_online.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
- Enter the URL in your browser to start using the system. Detailed instructions on how to use it can be found on its HowTo page.
Please see LICENSE for details.