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This is an asyncio capable mongodb ODM based on pydantic and motor


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An ODM based on pydantic and motor

It's build to work with asyncio to have a non-io-blocking interface to a mongodb / documentdb database and to be fully modular to let developpers customize it.

Getting started

pip install motorized

or if you are using poetry

poetry add motorized

Scementic organisation

There is basicaly 4 main classes that you will use with motorized:

  • Q
  • Document
  • EmbeddedDocument
  • QuerySet

Each of them has it's own purpose, when the Document describe ONE row of your datas, the Q object is a conviniance class to write mongodb queries, it does not perform any verification it just format, then the QuerySet is the manager of a Document class.

A Q object has absolutlely no relation with any Document or QuerySet, it's just the query object. The QuerySet known of wich model it will work and manipulate the collection and set of Document The Document validate input/output data and their insertion/update in the database.

EmbeddedDocument are just BaseModel but with some extra conveniance methods, you can directly use a BaseModel if you don't need the ODM extra methods or behavious around the private attributes.


This class is the base of Document and EmbeddedDocument, it allow to set private arguments (any attribute who start with _) even if not definied in the class itself, you can set them on the fly.

Also this class provide an update method and a deep_update to update documents from a dictionary without having to create a new instance.


A Document is a pydantic BaseModel with saving and queryset capabilities, this mean you can define a class Config inside it to tweek the validation like:

Simple document

import ascynio
from typying import Literal
from motorized import Document, connection

class Book(Document):
    name: str
    volume: int
    status: Literal["NotRead", "Reading", "Read"] = "NotRead"

async def main():
    await connection.connect("mongodb://")
    # create a new book
    book = Book(name='Lord of the ring', volume=1)

    # save it to the database, you will receive a `InsertOneResult` instance

    # check it is present in the db
    await Book.objects.count()

    # see all the books presents
    await book.objects.all()

    # update the book
    book.status = 'Reading'

    # or from a dictionary
    book.update({'status': 'NotRead'})

    # update the book from the database, this time you will have a `UpdateResult` from motor

    # let's create a copy of the book now = None
    book.volume = 2

    # since you have unset the `id` field, you will have a `InsertOneResult` with a new document id

    # get all the uniques book names
    await Book.objects.distinct('name')
    # > ['Lord of the ring']

    # if you create an other book
    await Book.objects.create(name="La forteresse du chaudron noir", volume=1)

    # and now use a distinct again
    await Book.objects.distinct('name')
    # > ['Lord of the ring', 'La forteresse du chaudron noir']

if __name__ = "__main__":

A bit more advanced

class Toon(Document):
    name: str
    created: datetime
    last_fetch: datetime
    fetched: bool
    finished: bool = False
    chapter: str
    domain: str
    episode: int
    gender: str
    lang: str
    titleno: int

    class Mongo:
        collection: str = 'mongotoon'

    class Config:
        extra = 'forbid'

Embeded documents

Having nested document could not be more easy, just put a EmbeddedDocument in the Document declaration like bellow

from motorized.client import connection, EmbeddedDocument, Document

class Position(EmbeddedDocument):
    x: float = 0.0
    y: float = 0.0
    z: float = 0.0

class User(Document):
    email: str
    has_lost_the_game: bool = True
    position: Position

Embeded documents does not need to be Document because you only save the top level one.

If you want to refer the current document (like the document itself) you can:

from typing import Optional, List
from motorized.document import Document

class User(Document):
    email: str
    has_lost_the_game: bool = True
    friends: Optional[List["User"]]

# you will have to updated the forwared reference with:

As you can see, you can also define class Mongo inside the document to specify the collection to use (by default: the class name in lower case + 's')

Any field or types has just to be pydantic capable definitions


There is a technical restriction to be able to use ANY Document: having a _id field in the database, this is the only proper way that the ODM has to clearly identity a document without risking collisions. This field is present in any Document by default.

Document Methods


This method allow you to retrive a Q() instance to match the current object


Save the current instance into the database, if there is no id then the object will be inserted, otherwise this will be an update


Same as .save but the method return the instance itself instead of the result from the database


Delete the current instance from the database and set the .id attribute to None on the current instance


This method is called for new insertions in the database by the save method


This method is called to save the update in the database by the save method if the object has a .id wich is not None


Return a fresh instance of the current instance from the database


This method is called before the init method of the pydantic BaseModel class and reveive the kwargs, this allow you to change fields name or add/remove fields.

The call is perform just after the fetch from the database


This method allow you to update the model with a given dictionary, the dictionary has to pass throught the validation process of pydantic, the function update and return the instance itself.

class User(Document):
    name: str
    age: int

bill = User.objects.get(name="bill")
bill.update({"age": 42})
# show 42


You can override the default Document.objects class by specifing manager_class in the Mongo class from the document like:

from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime
from pydantic import Field
from motorized import Document, QuerySet

class EmployeeManager(QuerySet):
    async def last(self) -> Optional["Employee"]:
        return await self.filter(date_left__isnull=True).order_by(['-date_joined']).first()

class Employee(Document):
    date_joined: datetime = Field(default_factory=datetime.utcnow)
    date_left: Optional[datetime]

    class Mongo:
        manager_class = EmployeeManager

async def main():
    # now you can do
    last_employee = await Employee.objects.last()


Since in python, we are "We are all consenting adults", motorized will not try to prevent you using the collection directly and handle the database, if you use the collection attribute from QuerySet we assume that you know what you are doing

class Book(Document):
    title: str
    pages: int

# to access the collection attribute use:

# note: you must be connected to a database before or you will have a `NotConnectedException`

# example of aggreation from collection
pipeline = ["put here your awesome pipeline"]
results = await Book.objects.collection.aggregate(pipeline)

Note that while acessing the .collection attribute, you are in charge, the query will not do anything else for you (no ordering, no filtering)


Connect / Disconnect

from motorized.client import connection

async def main():
    await connection.connect('mongodb://', connect=True)
    # here goes your interactions with the ODM
    await connection.disconnect()

Add extra fields not for database saving

To achieve something like adding a field but not having it into the db, you can define a new class into your document like bellow:

class Foo(Document):
    bar: bool = True
    not_in_db: str = 'this will not be saved in mongo'

    class Mongo:
        local_fields = ('not_in_db',)

It's also possible to declare private fields, the privates fields will not be saved in the database or be checked by pydantic (wich allow you to set private and local variables in there)

class Scrapper(Document):
    url: str
    # this will not be saved in the database because it's name starts with _
    # to read/write a _ field from the database you must use an Field(alias=_name)
    # please not that you HAVE to set a value to it orherwise it won't exist in the model.
    # the type hint is purely optional and will be ignored
    _page_source: Optional[str] = None


import asyncio
from typying import List
from motorized.client import connection
from motorized.document import Document

class User(Document):
    email: str
    has_lost_the_game: bool = True
    friends: Optional[List["User"]]

async def main():
    await connection.connect('mongodb://', connect=True)

    seb = User(email='[email protected]', has_lost_the_game=False)
    antoine = User(email='[email protected]')
    antoine.friends = [seb]

    await connection.disconnect()

if __name__ == '__main__':

To know if a document already in the database, the ODM look up in the id field in the model instance, if you set it to None then if you try to save it you will create a new copy of this document in the database


await User.objects.count()


Let say you want all uniques email values from your users:

await User.objects.distinct('email', flat=True)

Mix differents documents in the same collection

Sometime, you want to have multiples documents who live in the same collection because they have things in common, it's possible with motorized

from motorized import Document, Q
from typing import Literal

class Vehicule(Document):
    name: str
    brand: str
    seats: int
    kind: Literal["vehicule"] = "vehicule"

    class Mongo:
        collection = 'vehicules'
        # here note that we don't define the kind, so if you ask for a vehicule you will
        # also get the planes and the cars

class Plane(Vehicule):
    airport_origin: int
    airport_destination: int
    kind: Literal["plane"] = "plane"

    class Mongo:
        collection = 'vehicules'
        filters = Q(kind='plane')

class Car(Vehicule):
    weels: int
    kind: Literal["car"] = "car"

    class Mongo:
        collection = 'vehicules'
        filters = Q(kind='car')

here all the 3 classes are stored in the same collection but their default query will be populated by filters value, here we base the selection on the kind attribute


The there is main 3 classes:

  • DocumentBasis : used on all documents (also embeded)
  • Document : they are a root level document.
  • EmbeddedDocument: They are nested documents

then we have a mixin PrivatesAttrsMixin wich is used to avoid saving private attributes in the database, private attributes startswith _. In all cases pydantic will not process private attributes.


Since all the models are technicaly pydantics BaseModels, this mean the complete ODM works fine out of the box with fastapi and nothing prevent you to have something like:

from fastapi import FastAPI, status

from typing import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic.types import NonNegativeInt
from motorized import Document, connection
from motorized.types import InputObjectId
from datetime import datetime

app = FastAPI()

async def setup_app():
    await connection.connect('mongodb://')

async def close_app():
    await connection.disconnect()

class BookInput(BaseModel):
    """This model contains only the fields writable by the user
    name: Optional[str]
    pages: Optional[int]
    volume: Optional[int]

# Note that the order of this inheritance is important
class Book(Document, BookInput):
    created_at: datetime = Field(default_factory=datetime.utcnow)'/books', response_model=Book, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
async def create_book(book: BookInput):
    return await Book(**book.dict()).commit()

@app.get('/books', response_model=List[Book])
async def get_books(
    offset: Optional[NonNegativeInt] = None,
    limit: Optional[NonNegativeInt] = 10
    # it's ok to pass None as skip or limit here.
    return await Book.objects.skip(offset).limit(limit).all()

async def get_book(id: InputObjectId):
    return await Book.objects.get(_id=id)

async def update_book(id: InputObjectId, update: BookInput):
    book = await Book.objects.get(_id=id)
    return book

@app.delete('/books/{id}', status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
async def delete_book(id: InputObjectId):
    await Book.objects.filter(_id=id).delete()


it is possible to manage migrations for the database (field types changes) for this have a look into examples/migrations

Create a migation

A migration file is a .py file that MUST have at last an apply function like:

async def apply() -> int:
    # the int is to return the number of afected items
    return 0

This is the very minimal migrations you can also specify a revert method


async def revert() -> int:
    return 0


A migration can depend on one or multiple others dependencies (meaning that they have to be applied before) to achive this in the dependency just add

depends_on = ['module.dependency']

The migration command expect to find all the migration inside multiples folders (passed via args)

Apply migrations

from motorized.migration import migrate

async def main():
    # connect to the database then
    await migrate('examples/migrations')

The migrations will be applied in parallel as long as their dependencies are already solved.


This is an asyncio capable mongodb ODM based on pydantic and motor







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