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6.0.0 Rewrite with config_flow

No due date 57% complete

[ ] Check attributes again, some were renamed during config_flow rewrite (want to limit some breaking changes
[ ] Can we import existing configs?
[ ] Catch errors when user needs to re-authenticate (repair for this?)
[ ] Does it only check favorites now? What if a favorite item is removed (or not available/sold anymore)? - #22
[ ] Can we increase the favo…

[ ] Check attributes again, some were renamed during config_flow rewrite (want to limit some breaking changes
[ ] Can we import existing configs?
[ ] Catch errors when user needs to re-authenticate (repair for this?)
[ ] Does it only check favorites now? What if a favorite item is removed (or not available/sold anymore)? - #22
[ ] Can we increase the favorites limit? - #29 - #38
