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Setting up channels and roles (old)

Chokyotager edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 1 revision

Setting up channels and roles (old guide)

The first important part of initialising the bot (after the configuration is ready) is to set up channels and Discord server roles.

Under configs/permissions.json:

  "permissions": {
    "admin": "Host",
    "alive": "Alive",
    "dead": "Dead",
    "spectator": "Spectator",
    "aftermath": "Season Player",
    "pre": "Participant",
    "notify": "Notify"

Create individual roles named onto the server. This has to be done manually.

Under configs/channels.json:

  "channels": {
    "log": "logbook",
    "voting": "trial",
    "main": "city-hall",
    "whisper-log": "billboard",
    "roles": "yellow-pages",

    "welcome-channel": "general"

  "categories": {
    "private": "Private"

Create individual channels and categories. Under the standard configuration, the bare minimum of channels and categories you should create should look like this:

Note that you can shift any of the channels around (and into your own categories) if you wish. However you cannot shift them into the Private category. There should also not be duplicates of channels as this may cause problems.

If you wish to rename the channels, remember to change it in the configuration as well.