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Chokyotager edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

Commands index

This page will guide through the non-role specific commands that come with the bot.

Commands may be run on the guild server channels, but not in DMs. The default prefix of the bot is !. This can be changed in configs/configuration.json, however.

Administrator/Host commands

Command: _actions [filter]
Type: Audit
Details: Returns all the queued actions in the game.
Command: _attributes <player Discord ID>
Type: Audit
Details: Returns all the attributes for a player in the game.
Command: _deleteprivatechannels
Type: Moderation
Details: Deletes all text private channels.
Command: _fsudo <player Discord ID> <command>
Type: Moderation
Details: Force executes a command from a user (could be a non-existent user).
Command: _initgame
Type: Game
Details: Initialises and primes a game.
Command: _opc <read/write/deny/manage> <role name/everyone>
Type: Moderation
Details: Changes the permissions of all private channels for a certain guild role or for everyone on the server.
Command: _reinstantiate
Type: Game
Details: Reloads the current saves into the game and discards the current instance.
Command: _reload
Type: Game
Details: Saves the current instance and regenerates a new one from the save.
Command: _reset
Type: Game
Details: Resets all roles assigned to players.
Command: _unload
Type: Game
Details: Deletes the current instance - does not save.
Command: _verifysetup
Type: Audit
Details: Generates a set-up report with a unique hash identifier. To be run pre-game.
Command: addattribute <player Discord ID> <attribute identifier> [expiry=Infinity] [tags]
Type: Game
Details: Adds an attribute to the player via the identifier.
Command: deadline <set/change> <Unix timestamp/seconds>
Type: Game
Details: Changes/sets the deadline for the current cycle.
Command: ffforward
Type: Game
Details: Forces a fastforward on the cycle.
Command: modkill <player Discord ID>
Type: Moderation
Details: Immediately kills and removes a player from the game.
Command: rtvm
Type: Audit
Details: Reloads the trial vote message.
Command: save
Type: Audit
Details: Saves the game.
Command: shutdown
Type: Moderation
Details: Stops the bot instance.
Command: step
Type: Game
Details: Forces the next cycle to start but adds to the time cycles instead of adapting.
Command: substitute <player Discord ID> <substitute Discord ID>
Type: Moderation
Details: Replaces a player's ID in the saves by a substitute.
Command: sudo <player Discord ID> <command>
Type: Moderation
Details: Force executes a command from a user.
Command: unpin [limit=100]
Type: Moderation
Details: Scans through x messages from before and unpins all messages in that range.

Game commands

Command: fastforward
Aliases: ff
Details: Votes to fast forward the cycle. May only be used in a players' private channel.
Command: nolynch
Aliases: nl
Details: Toggles the no-lynch option if it is enabled.
Command: preempt
Details: Pre-emptively vote for a player in the trial if it is enabled.
Command: time
Aliases: t
Details: Gets the amount of time left before the next cycle transits.
Command: unvote [alphabet/name]
Aliases: r, retract, uv, unv
Details: Retracts all votes from the player if no target is specified.
Command: vote <alphabet/name>
Aliases: v
Details: Votes on a player.
Command: votecount
Aliases: vc
Details: Returns the current vote tally.
Command: will <view/write/clear> [will]
Aliases: lw, lastwill
Details: Writes a last will/last statement. May only be used in a players' private channel.
Command: whisper <alphabet/name> <message>
Aliases: msg, w
Details: Sends a whisper to a target if whispers are enabled.

Unaffiliated commands

Command: 8ball [question]
Command: coin
Command: credits
Command: current
Aliases: now
Details: Returns the current server time in UTC.
Command: dictionary [term]
Aliases: dict
Details: Returns a list of all lookup terms if term is not specified, or the description of given term.
Command: heartbeat
Details: Gets the bots' ping to Discord.
Command: help
Details: Lists all the commands available.
Command: memberinfo <username/nickname/id/"user">
Details: Returns lookup information on the Discord user.
Command: notify <on/off>
Details: Gives or removes the notify role as specified in the configuration.
Command: ping
Details: Gets the message ping from the bot to Discord.
Command: role [info/desc/card] <role>
Details: Gets details on a role.
Command: uptime
Details: Returns the uptime of the bot.
Command: isolate [pinpoint/cluster/context] <message ID>
Aliases: iso, quote
Details: isolates a particular message posted in that channel - cluster isolates messages surrounding that cluster and context takes a cluster of messages from the quoted user.
Command: minesweeper [width] [height] [bombs]
Details: generates an emote-based minesweeper in Discord using spoilers.

Meme commands

Command: cat
Details: Gets a cat image from
Command: feelsgoodman
Command: freerealestate
Command: getsomehelp
Command: hug <name>
Command: joke
Details: Gets a joke from
Command: kickshin <name>
Command: myman
Command: slap <name>
Command: vergeofgreatness
Command: virtualhug