Overview To create an app named Chewsit to help indecisive users choose what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert.
User Stories and Feature Tasks
- As a user I want this app to decide what I want to eat
- As a user I want to be able to create my own log in to save preferences
- As a user I want an intuitive UI experience
- As a user I want to find restaurants near me or up to 20 miles away
- As a user I want to be able to use this app on my mobile phone
- As a user I want a simple interface with a select number of things to type in, I want to be able to stay lazy.
Documentation Project Name: Chewsit
Author: Khoa Huynh, Brittany Bolstad, Judah Hunger, Jesse Atay, and Aaron Meade Version: 2.0.0
Getting Started We had to collaborate as a team to get over any obstacles that fell in our way. For example we would have a “merge party” every day to make sure everything is up to date and the app is running properly.
Credits: We used Yelp API, Overstack.com, codepen.io